chapter 27

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Finally the day of our return came. It's already been a week of our vacation and now we need to go back.

"Ah I feel sad"

"I don't wanna leave"

"Seriously this was the best holiday trip I'd ever have! "

There were whines everywhere.

I was sad too. I enjoyed this trip more than anyone. Firstly it was my first trip in Korea. And secondly it's with my friends.

Anyways we packed up and were ready by the morning.

We went to the granny of our favourite where we used to have our food to say goodbye.

"Granny we will miss you! "

"We'll come again! "

And off we went to the bus stop, boarded the bus. The bus started up in a couple of minutes.


When we reached near our bus stop it was already past evening. The sky was pitch black. I think it's gonna rain. Everyone was fast asleep.
Jimin was on taehyung's lap and jungkook and jin cuddled again each other were snoring away.

Weird pairs! I laughed.

Bong soon had my hand as a pillow, her mouth half open and eyes tight shut. Anyways it was the last stop so I took time in waking them up.

"Hey people get up!

We are already there!

Yahhhhh jimin-ah!

Bong soon-ah eerona!

I pushed taehyung and he instantly got up.

He looked at me with surprised eyes.
" What are you doing up so close? "

Ah shit! I was too close.

He was at the window seat and jimin was sleeping like a log on the outer one. I had to squeeze in between to wake taehyung up.

"Ah mian-    I  really didn't mean to. Jimin didn't budge so I had to wake you up like this. We have reached our place."

He looked everywhere and tried to get up quickly. Our heads knocked together and he went back down again.

"Oops sorry imma get out first. Chankamman.......... "

We got out and woke the others up and got down from the bus. We were the only ones left.

The bus driver kept smiling at us as we tried to wake those sleepyheads up!

"A pack of lively friends aren't you?! Ah I miss my childhood!"

We finally returned back home exhausted.

The moon was just above my window peeking at me and probably smiling.

I washed up and flung on my bed. It felt so cozy and warm. My eyes were already half closed. As soon as I closed my eyes I felt the heaviness coming to me. Slowly the world became a blur as I slept peacefully under the moon.

I suddenly saw mom and dad in my dreams. We had gone to the beach. We were enjoying so much.

I wish I could go back. I wish I could...........

zzzzzzz(sign of sleeping)