chapter 7

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I saw Bong soon on the way.

We hurriedly ran inside the gate and barely made it on time.

We hi-fived grinning at each other and walked towards the class.

Soon there was our break.

"I'll just be back from the washroom" bong soon rushed out of the class.

I went to the canteen alone and sat down on one of the empty tables.
I kept my belongings in five empty places in case the guys turned up too.

After a couple of minutes i looked up when I saw....
"T-taehyung is coming this way? Alone? Where are the others guys?"

He slowly kept his plate on the table without asking for a permission and asat down beside me.

"The others?"


Well our awkwardness and hatred against each other was gone i guess.

"Oh!" I replied shortly and grabbed my chopsticks.

"Yah listen..." He suddenly whispered leaning closer. His face was just inches away from mine.

I was bewildered by the sudden closeness and jumped from my chair spilling the contents of my plate on both of us, well mostly on him.

"Aish jjinja boyaningoya?!!" He got up angrily.

I sat there with my mouth half open with the sudden turn of events.

Shoot! How did I end up in this mess! Well it was partly his fault!

Bong soon saw us in that state and immediately came to our rescue.
She ran to get some tissues and water and quickly gave them to us.

"Thanks bong soon-ah!!"

Taehyung kept quiet rubbing on his shirt vigorously pouring water all over the place.

Well he poured too much i guess and now the shirt became a see-through one!

Girls and boys all turned towards us, girls literally falling off their chairs.
Those muscles falling flat on his stomach was truly a sight.
How can he not have a single ounce of fat on his body!

I tried so hard to stop myself from drooling!

I covered by eyes with one hand as I shrieked "YAHHH!!!"

I instantly took of my school jacket and wrapped it around his waist.
Don't open it until you dry up.... HAJIMA!!!

Aishhh shouldn't it be the other way round

I was a bit wet as well so I rushed out for some sunlight as taehyung followed with an evident question mark on his face confused of what just happened.

We were soaking in the warmth of the sunlight when I suddenly remembered something.

"W-were you going to s-say something earlier?"

"Of course! Why did you think I leaned closer then? To kiss you?"


"Fine fine.... I wanted to say that this was the first time someone tried to overpass me in academics you know!"

"Do you know that you sound extremely rude right now!"

"Well that's the truth though!"

"Well don't worry then.... You will soon be getting similar marks with this person standing in front of you or maybe less" i smirked.

He looked at me, his hazel eyes trying to set me up on fire or something!

But they were so beautiful to look at that I felt dizzy just staring at them for some seconds!

Meanwhile the others joined us outside.

"Yah gwenchana?! You're not burnt anywhere are you? The soup was steaming hot!" Jimin asked looking concerned.

"Uh.... No it fell on our shirts so.....
Well it was kinda my fault"

"Mine as well" he said without looking.

Tch! getting considerate are we?

"Good that you're okay. Let's get back to class then, it's starting soon" jungkook spoke up.


"Anyways we are having our session today right?"
