chapter 21

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The others got up slowly with jimin getting up first followed by bong soon and then the two lazy bones, jungkook and jin.

"Had a good night's sleep i guess?"
I chuckled seeing how loudly each of them yawned.

"Superb!" They chorused.

We ate our food in the familiar place.
The kimchi was just unbelievably delicious!

We dressed up in comfortable clothes to go to the the mountains as decided.

It was a bit less crowded as it was still early for the tourists.

We took our cards and followed the small track leading to the spot. We walked through the forest covers which naturally grew there and was beautifully maintained. The sun was already up when we reached halfway. There was a sign up there.

"You are almost there! Just a bit more! :)"

Our surroundings gleamed and glittered from the light. We looked down at the path we came from a while ago. We can't see what's down. We were quite up and into the mountains by now.

We gulped down some water before continuing our journey up.

We reached after about half an hour later.

My legs were about to give up.
I have not walked so much in a long time.

But when I reached 'the' place I completely forgot about my pain and exhaustion.

I gasped at the beauty around me.
I literally stopped breathing when I scanned through the view down.

Buildings, houses, huts clustered here and there with forests in between. They looked so small, so very small! I realized we were super-high at that moment. It was quite a large area and quite flat.

We sat down on the clean ground near the edge panting from all the walk, sweating like mad. It was just a breath-taking view in front with your favourite people's company.

"This is so good!"

"Korea is good looking huh! I never knew" jimin chuckled.

He was thrown bottles from all around to punish him for his anti-nationalistic point.

Bong soon and I held hands as we looked at the horizon beyond everything.

Bong soon suddenly whispered in my ear.

"Hey so do you like seoul?" Her eyes gleamed as she stared at me.

I giggled.

I called the rest to where we were sitting.

"So instead of each one of you asking me personally lemme tell you this when we all are together. Yes I love this place! And YES! i absolutely love south korea!"

They cheered at my sudden love confession for korea. Taehyung just smiled.

All of us sat side by side to have a sudden small picnic with the food we decided to bring in case there was something else here and we got stuck.

Bong soon sat on my left and taehyung immediately came and sat on my right. The others gave some mysterious smirks before they sat down.

We had a jolly picnic with jin occasionally showing us his antiques while jungkook supported him in his acts. Jimin told us some funny stories from his childhood while bong soon told us all about her cute little brother who was all over the place when nobody was there. I and taehyung put in weird comments here and there when they talked and made them roar with laughter.

It was just how it should be!

The morning ended on a happy note as we, after our picnic, came down.

"Let's do this! We take a quick nap and then go to the riverside in the evening."

"I bet it will be beautiful with all the lights and crowd!"

We went into our tents for some rest.

Riverside in the evening!