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trigger warning!

heavy mention of ill mental health towards the end of this chapter. i can't say anything in grave detail as you're reading this, but please proceed with caution if you're sensitive to such topics.

sending all my love & guidance,
— nina

sending all my love & guidance,— nina

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hide & seek

SIRENS CONTINUED BLARING outside as Rafe and I prolonged our pit stop at my house. Originally, I only planned to grab the books and get the hell out of here, but our exhaustion clearly had other plans. We were tired physically and mentally, and in no way able to drive to our getaway place.

The both of us sat in silence on my bed, cradled in his arms whilst trying to calm myself down. I was experiencing fear like never before, each police car that passed presenting a chance that they'd be inching closer in my direction. My freedom was wearing down by the minute, wasting away along with the remainder of my happiness.

Rafe's hands trembled as they ran up and down my arm, somehow still providing comfort like he intended. There was no denying that we were both scared out of our minds, unable to form words that would reassure the other. Reassurance couldn't be present in such a situation; both of us knew there wasn't hope for a happy ending after tonight and saying otherwise would just be a lie.

Adding to my constant jolts, his phone vibrated in his pocket, the buzzing feeling against my thigh resulting in us turning to look at each other. I silently nodded for him to pick up the call, resulting in compliance despite his unspoken doubt.

"Yeah?" Rafe's voice cracked, nervous as he spoke to whoever was on the other side of the screen.

"Rafe, where the hell are you?" I recognised Ward on the loudspeaker.

On top of everything, his father was the last person we wanted to face. It was no longer a secret that he was the one who framed me for Peterkin's murder, his actions adding to the pre-eminent hatred the boy had for him. I screwed my eyes shut while the sirens became increasingly louder, unable to keep calm with the continuous chaos of my surroundings.

"Uh, I was at a party in Chapel Hill. Did I not tell you?" the trembling of his hands was amped up.

"No, I know that. I'm asking where you are now." Ward proceeded with his stern tone, making me realise that the reason for his call wasn't out of concern for his son.

"I'm on my way home." Rafe lied.

"Where?" the man shouted again.

He struggled to form another fictional answer, "I don't know, on the highway?"

PEACH LIQUEUR ― rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now