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CHAPTER FIVE let the games begin

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let the games begin

I WATCHED AS John B's brown van moved towards the side of the dirt road where I was sitting. I had been waiting for about 20 minutes, and I couldn't lie and say that I wasn't getting a bit impatient.

The Twinkie came to a sharp brake, blowing dust into my face and causing me to cough. I had already finished my 3rd cigarette in the time I was waiting for them, and I didn't need dust in my lungs on top of that.

The window rolled down to reveal JJ's face behind the wheel, grinning like a kid in a candy store.

"Ready to fuck with some Kooks?" he smirked, the side door opening after his sentence.

"Y'all let this guy drive?"

"Not voluntarily." John B glared at the blonde boy.

"This is like the first time I've seen you wear makeup, what's the occasion?" Kie said in admiration.

"Well, we're making a statement by showing up anyway, why not look good doing so?"

"That's my girl!" she pulled me in for a hug, her coconut body spray hitting my nostrils instantly.

JJ turned sharply as he pulled into The Boneyard parking lot- which was just a dirt clearing labelled as a parking lot to appear fancy. The bottle of liqueur rolled out of my grip and fell on the floor, making the group all reach to ensure it was still intact.

"Careful, JJ. We've only one bottle, don't go breaking it." Pope yelled.

"Wait, Cami got booze and you're only telling me now?"

"Yes, dipshit, I got booze. Eyes on the road." I snapped my fingers, causing him to return his focus to driving.

The van stalled as we felt the ignition switch off, signalling that we had parked. Everyone was far too excited to notice JJ's awful parking job, but I couldn't care any less.

The sun had started setting over The Boneyard, the golden light catching the waves. Loud party music was blasting from several speakers, yet was still drowned out by the noise of hundreds of Kooks talking. The group looked at each other one last time before heading towards the sand, ready for hell to unleash once people noticed who and what we were.

I tucked my cigarette pack safely into the front pocket of my shorts, freeing my left hand as the right stayed firmly around the neck of the glass Peach Schnapps bottle. We finally reached the large crowd of Kooks, JJ running straight for the table of drinks.

My eyes made contact with several unhappy faces, word spreading fast that we decided to show up at the party. A smirk made its way onto my face, happy that my plan to make these rich assholes angry was starting to work.

PEACH LIQUEUR ― rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now