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CHAPTER THIRTY TWO back to reality

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back to reality

"ARE YOU GONNA get me one of those?" I gestured to Rafe's head, seeing I was standing without a helmet.

"Nope." he said, rather too casually for my liking.

"The fuck do you mean 'no'?" I asked in retaliation, my nervousness being quick to blur with anger.

"I mean I only have one helmet. Wouldn't want your driver to be without one, would you?"

I stood silently, biting down on my tongue as more smug words spilled out of his mouth. Having never ridden a normal bike before, let alone the back of Rafe Cameron's notorious motorcycle, I had every right in the book to be nervous. Especially now that he was willing to let me on without a helmet, which was the furthest from ideal that this situation could get.

"Just 'cause I let you off last night doesn't mean I'm letting you off this time." I shook my head. "Can't we just take your car?"

"Rose's got the car today. C'mon." he gestured to the seat.

"Fine," I began, seeing Rafe start to believe I had eased into his demands, "I'll walk."

Walking, although the safer option, was definitely the last thing I wanted to spend my time doing. The only downside was the fear I faced when looking at the bike, the emotion being one that I wasn't particularly fond of showing. I reminded myself of the guard I had to keep up, and not showing fear was a step in the right direction.

Pity for Rafe that I chose to mask my fear with being angry.

"You're not walking." he chuckled under his breath, still loud enough for his words to be heard by me.

"Watch me." I started in the direction of Tannyhill's gates, not knowing what direction I'd have to lead in beyond the driveway.

"S'just a helmet, stop being boring."

I laughed shortly, more out of annoyance than out of humour for his comment. If anything was bound to offend me any further, it was the fact that he had the nerve to call me boring. Everything that'd happened to me over the past month was far from boring, and I knew he wasn't fit to survive a single day of what I'd been through.

"If I'm boring then I do wonder how much our dear Amelia's personality precedes her exterior." I spoke upon impulse, knowing exactly what route to take in order to grind his gears.

"Right, bring her up again, 'cause that's gonna fucking fix everything." his voice raised, clarifying that my spiteful attempts had worked.

Although I knew her name was a sensitive subject in whatever Rafe and I had going on, I couldn't help but speak the 3 syllables that made each of us equally mad when brought up. Ever since the dinner with Noah, I had been left completely in the dark over what the fuck had happened between them. Frankly, I was free to talk about her as much as I wanted to.

PEACH LIQUEUR ― rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now