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CHAPTER TWENTY the bombshell

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the bombshell

KNOWING THAT I had to be downstairs for dinner in the next 5 minutes, I swiftly pulled myself up onto my feet. The drug started to sink into my system, making the whole room around me spin.

I threw my hand down on my desk, grabbing hold of whatever I could to keep me stabilised. Since I had never done coke before, this sort of high was still very new to me.

However, some part of me wanted to get used to it.

I cleared my focus one last time onto the mirror, polishing my appearance before I walked out of the bedroom. The 2nd floor of the house was completely barren, causing me to make my way downstairs faster.

The skin of my palm rubbed against the wooden railing of the stairs, my grip being the only thing that stopped me from falling. My Converse squeaked on the hardwood floor as I continued running down the endless steps, the noise being loud enough to alert the whole house of my presence.

I reached the end of the staircase, taking a minute to gather myself due to how dizzy the spiral made me. Much like the upper floors, the entrance room of the house was empty- meaning everyone was already sitting at the dinner table.

The family hated me enough, and probably didn't want me at their meal; the last thing I needed to be was late.

"Pleasure of you to finally join us." Rose raised her eyebrows, noticing my arrival in the dining room.

"Got lost, sorry." I lied in an attempt to excuse my lateness.

"It's fine." Ward smiled. "Half of us aren't even here yet."

My eyes looked for a free seat at the table, barely being able to see beyond the endless decorations. If Rose was this extra for a simple family dinner, Lord knows how far she went for holidays.

"Psst, Camille."

I turned in the direction of the whisper, seeing it was Noah. His hand was placed on the chair beside him, having pulled it out just for me.

My body sank into the cushion, all of my senses seeming to be heightened as a result of the cocaine I had taken a mere few minutes ago. I shot a polite smile at the boy beside me, moving my focus to analyse the rest of the faces at the table.

Amongst the decorative marble dishes and rather large tablecloth, I managed to make out the shape of 2 empty chairs. The only person that was missing was Rafe, yet there were still 2 seats left.

"I thought Sarah wasn't coming." I muttered to Noah. "Why's there another chair?"

"We're not too late, are we?" the sound of a female voice interrupted my conversation, the intrusion seeming as if it was timed.

PEACH LIQUEUR ― rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now