Untitled Part 28

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A little voice in my head is telling me to make this a werewolf book like wth xD but don't worry I'm not gonna do it.


I had been walking for a good two hours and my thighs were already starting to burn. I had no idea where I was headed and most of the corner stores had already been closed for the night. I let out an irritated sigh when I felt the first 3 drops of rain fall onto my forehead. "Great." I muttered "What the hell am I supposed to do...now." I threw my hands up in the air dramatically and stumbled into a puddle when a car passed by blowing their horn loudly and yelling something out of the window.

"Fuck you!" I yelled and gave the white mini van my middle finger as they drove off into the night. A few seconds passed by and I realized that I should have asked them for help. Part of me was waiting for some tall handsome guy to magically appear and take me in or something and another part of me was wondering why I hadn't been kidnapped by some weirdos yet.

Maybe I'm not attractive enough.

Mrs. Rose always did tell me that I would look pretty if I hadn't scowled so much. 'It scares the boys away' was what she'd said exactly. I moved my now drenched curls from out of my face and leaned against the wall of a closed convienience store. I unzipped my bag and pulled out one of the only sweaters that I owned. It wasn't much but it did have a hoodie and it would stop my hair from getting wet. I stuffed my teddy bear into my bag and quickly pulled on my sweater.

"Um excuse me can I help you?" I heard a feminine voice speak and I looked up to see a slightly older woman holding a red umbrella. She was about 4 inches taller then me and had blonde hair accept her hair went all the way down to her waist and she had little to no clothes on.

"Aren't you cold?" I fired back and the woman raised her eyebrows before letting out a loud cackle. It was the most unpleasant sound.

"You must be new sweetie." She frowned a little as she looked me up and down.

"Don't call me that." I scowled

"Listen here.. Sweetie. " The woman taunted me and my eye twitched in irritation. "This here is my corner and I've been working it for the past 9 years-"

"Woah woah woah!" I choked on the air and let out a gasp in disbelief before zipping my sweater all the way up and hugging my sides. "I'm not a prostitute okay I don't stand on corners and-" I stopped my sentence when I saw the look on the woman's face.

She crossed her arms and curved her thin red lips into a downward frown."And what?"

"Nothing." I blinked before picking up my bag again. "I just need a place to stay." I shrugged trying not to take another step away from her.

"That's all." I had no idea what type of diseases she had and I didn't want to find out if they were contagious."Yeah I think I'll just find a shelter-"

"A pretty little thing like you in a shelter?" The woman laughed as if I had told a funny joke. "Nice knowing ya sweetie." She winked and I arched my eyebrows in confusion.

"Wait what's that supposed to mean?" I glared at her feeling slightly unsafe and nervous. It was only then that I had realized that I was completely on my own. I didn't have Alex...I didn't have Sophie. It was just me.


"Do you know someone maybe?" I asked letting my ego fly out into the wind and I gave a defeated sigh once I realized that I was putting my future into the hands of an old prostitute, but if she's truly 'worked this corner' for 9 years she has to know someone. Right?

"Well I do know a few people that might take ya in." She winked and I gave her a look. "Just tell them Lisa sent you." She smiled.

"Umm I'm not looking for any sex jobs or anything that has to do with sex-" I blurted and Lisa waved me off as if I were being silly.

"Oh hun stop being so dramatic." She laughed "I didn't even tell you what they might be needing." Lisa shook her head a little as she pulled a fur coat from out of her large purse. Part of me silently wondered what else she was hiding in that purse but I was in no position to question her.

"They are looking for a housekeeper or someone to watch their pets while they're away at work." Lisa smiled and my eye twitched.

"I'm not looking to be anyone's maid either so if you'll excuse me-" I tried to step aside and go around the woman but she simply stepped in front of me with a determined look. "Its 3 of them and they're all siblings. They'll pay you well dear all you have to do is-"

"Be a maid?" I scowled and Lisa shrugged.

"Well I'm sure that they have better jobs for you to do , but you won't know if you never show up." Lisa turned and started to walk away in her tight black skirt. I stumbled after her with my bag in my hands wondering how she could walk so fast with heels on.

"What are their names at least." I spoke as I tried to catch my breath and Lisa smiled. Her smile seemed a bit more pleasant the more I talked to her. Everything about her demeanor had softened as we walked side by side sharing her red umbrella.

"Magnus, Josie, and Elijah." Lisa spoke their names as if she had already known that I was going to ask for them. "They are the Thompson siblings and they are not to be messed with." Lisa warned yet she seemed to not be too effected by them almost as if she were... Proud?

"Turn here darling." She spoke as she walked up the steps to a very large house. It wasn't like those mansions from the movies. In fact I don't think it was a mansion at all. It was just a very big house that looked gloomy and grey. It looked very unwelcoming yet so... Elegant and inviting. It even had flowers that went along side the walking path.

"W-wait we're just gonna walk up to the door and ring the doorbell??" I questioned with wide eyes and Lisa giggled.

"Of course not dear I have the keys." The lady laughed once more and I just stared at her. "You live here?" I questioned and she nodded.

"And they let you?" I questioned in disbelief to which she nodded again.

Laters baby😏

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