Untitled Part 11

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"So did you enjoy the show?" He smiled knowingly and I wanted nothing more then to just disappear right now.

"I was looking for umm" Sophie reached for a spray bottle that said awesome.

"This because the night stand in my bedroom is pretty dusty."

"Yeah nice try kitten I know you didn't sleep in your room last night you slept in Y/n's room." Alex tilted his head to the side letting his golden brown wet curls fall into his face.

"Now be good girls and come out of the cabinet." He spoke as if he were talking to a small child that was bound to get punished. I knew that tone all too well and if he thought that I was getting out of the only safe zone in this house then he was insane.

"Fine." Sophie sighed and I looked at her with wide eyes.

"Sophie." I frowned

"Just come on Y/n it's done." She shook her head at my defiance.
"We've been caught." She climbed out of the cabinet with ease and I scooted farther back.

"Y/n what about my face says that I am playing around with you right now." Alex spoke in a more serious tone.

"Do you want me to awnser that truthfully orr-hey!" I scowled when he yanked me out by my legs and picked both of us up like a bag of feathers.

"Put me down now!" I complained while Sophie laughed while she dangled over his shoulder.

"Hey quit that Sophie." Alex scolded when she smacked his butt and if I hadn't have felt so humiliated I would have been in a fit of laughter.

"Get your hand off of me." I kicked while struggling peel his arm from around me.

"Stop before you fall down the stairs." Alex frowned when he started to carry us down the stairs and I stopped waiting for us to be on a one level surface.

"Yes carry me around all day." Sophie said and Alex chuckled.

"Whatever you say kitten."

"Now move your arm." I struggled in his hold as he walked into the living room "Off of me- ah!" I squeaked when I finally fell onto the couch."

"Bad mouse." Alex scolded and I stood up and brushed off the imaginary dust that I imagined would be all over me.

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