Untitled Part 21

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"Why are the police here?" Alexander cursed under his breath and headed towards the stair railing to look down into the living room sure enough there were 2 police officers walking around in the living room.

"Wait don't tell me." I held a finger in the air and laughed quietly, "You have some girls body in the trunk of your car and you've been on the run-"

"Sophie right now is not the time for jokes." Alexander glared at me and my smile quickly fell from my face.

"Why are you acting like you did something?" I took a step back to get a closer look at him and sure enough he was as nervous as Y/n was right before she passed out and we had to carry her to her room. "Did you ?...do something?" I questioned

"I'm not acting like anything." He frowned as he headed towards Y/n's room and I followed him in there. She was still passed out, or maybe she was just sleeping. At this point i'm not really sure about anything.

"Eventually they're going to wonder whats taking us so long and they'll come up here themselves." I hissed quietly as I pulled him out of the room and quietly closed the door behind us. " What the fuck arent you telling me Alex." I frowned at how suspicious he was being.

"Okay look i-t was while ago and me and some of my friends wanted to get high. I have a friend he uhh-" Alexander paced back and forth nervously and I wasn't sure if I should laugh or take him seriously. " He has a few friends up at the um police station and we were messing around with the evidence bags and then we hit the jackpot." Alexander spoke with wide eyes and I arched my eyebrows in confusion.


"We found a huge stash of weed and so we took it-"

"Oh ..kay?" I scratched the back of my head in confusion and tucked a long curl of hair behind my ear. " Alex i don't think they're here for that." I sighed "A-and even if they were here for that I don't think you would go to jail." I shrugged and he let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay...Okay well thats good." He nodded to himself clearly feeling less stressed and I rolled my eyes.

"Your such a baby-"

"Is there some secret meeting that we should know about?" A deep voice spoke from behind me and I jumped and spun around to see a muscular police officer dressed in full uniform. My words seemed to get stuck in my throat and Alexander pulled me behind him.

"What is this about why are you here?" Alexander spoke in a shaky voice as he reached back to hold my hand. I nearly rolled my eyes at his antics. If anything he could switch up the story and just say that he didn't take anything.

"Look if you're here for me then just take me." Alexander nearly growled and I squeezed his hand.

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