Untitled Part 20

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My eyes fluttered open and I blinked sleepily before rolling onto my side an-

"Ouch!' I hissed when my face made contact with the floor. "Fuck."I was so tired that I laid there for a moment and closed my eyes before opening them back up when I made a realization.

"Oh thanks for your concern i'm perfectly fine."I frowned when no one came rushing to my aid.

"Don't worry about little ole' me." I rolled my eyes as I lazily struggled to climb back onto the bed only to find that I was the only one in the room.

"Good fucking morning to you too!" I yelled as I pushed all the pillows from off of the bed and onto the floor. I guess today just wasn't going to be one of my days. "Ugh." I groaned as I rolled out of bed once more, this time I didn't fall face first. I landed on my feet and stumbled out of the room and into the hallway.

"Alex stop!" Sophie giggled from downstairs and I could hear Alexander laughing along as well. I walked across the cold floor and quickly made it into my room before heading for my bag of clothes to get a new outfit for the day. While searching for a shirt my hand hit something hard and I grabbed whatever it was and pulled it out of my bag.

"The Three Musketeers." I read the title of the book out loud but mostly to myself before flipping through the familiar pages. The sent of old paper reminding me of how I used to spend my days trapped in public libraries.The more I stayed there the less I had to see Mrs. rose or any of her boyfriends for that matter.

"Oh good I was starting to thing you were dead." I jumped at the sound of Alexander's voice and nearly threw the book at him.

"Oh my god don't do that." I scowled and he laughed as he threw what seemed to be a kitchen rag over his bare shoulder and that was when I noticed that he wasn't really wearing a shirt at all.

"Move out of the way." I blushed as I tried to get past him but he simply stood in front of me. I tried to go the other way but he stepped in front of me again.

"Real mature." I sighed and simply laughed.

"Why are you so mean to me Y/n?" She smiled as he finally stepped aside. I scowled in confusion and nearly threw my towel at him.


"You heard me." He shrugged and I pushed him backwards. He only took a step back and gave me an amused look.

"Don't ever get in a fight or you'll get your ass kicked. You push like a 4 year old girl." He laughed and I nearly punched him.

"Yeah whatever, poison is my specialty." I walked out into the hallway and saw Sophie sitting on the couch eating pancakes and bacon while watching TV. I blushed at the sight of her when memories flashed through my mind of what happend last night.

Had that been a dream?

"At least give me a kiss." Alexander teased when I continued my way to the bathroom and I flicked him off.

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