Untitled Part 1

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"Happy Birthdayy Y/nnnnnnnnn Happy Birthday to youuuu-"

I hung up the phone not really wanting to hear the sound of my father's voice. Even through voicemails he could still make me cry. Why call or leave such messages if he had no intentions on actually wanting to get to know me?

I groaned and placed my phone on my night stand before slipping back underneath my covers and closing my eyes. That is until the obnoxious sound of my foster brothers voice could be heard on the other side of my door.

"Happy birthday y/n-"

"Go away." I growled but Max never listens to me. I glared when I heard my door creak open and seconds later im being pinched on my arm.

"A pinch for good luck!" He laughed

"Die!" I yelled angrily as i spun around to grab him but the younger boy was already running outside my room door. I threw my covers off of me and tumbled out of bed angrily chasing after him. The small pain in my arm reminding me how much i wanted to hurt him back.

"Y/n." Mrs. Rose called when i passed her room door and I balled my hands into fists when I watched Max dissappear into his room, close the door and lock it.

"Yes Mrs. Rose?" I spoke not in the happiest tone but then again I'm not a very happy person at the moment or in general. I watched as the woman grabbed her infamous pack of cigarrets and pulled out one of them. I resisted the urge to scowl when she lit it and put it up to her red lip stick stained lips.

"Please come in dear and have a seat I need to talk with you." Mrs. Rose smiled cautiously when I entered her room and I almost rolled my eyes at how hesitant she was being. On my 17th birthday last year I pushed her down the stairs because she wouldn't let go of my arm. I told her that I didnt want to celebrate or do anything for my birthday but she just wouldn't listen.I didn't want to have a girl day with her and I didnt want her to pretend to be my mom. In a way it was kind of an accident. I was only pushing her so she would loosen her grip on my arm and let me go but when i finally snatched my arm away she lost her balance and fell down the stairs. She had told everyone that I got upset and pushed her and everyone believed her.

They always believe the adults.

"Today is your 18th birthday." Mrs. Rose spoke as she pointed to a small box on the far corner of her bed. For a moment I just stared at it not knowing what she had expected me to do.

"Get the box Y/n." Mrs. Rose sighed clearly annoyed by my lack of response. She tapped the cigarette on her ash tray before gesturing for me to get the box.I slowly made my way over to the small box and picked it up. I hesitantly looked at her and she nodded. I opened up the box and saw a pair of black combat boots and a small piece of paper.

I had always wanted these boots...but Mrs. Rose said since I never really leave the house anyway that it would just be a waste of money. I trailed my finger tips along the smooth fabric of the boots that I had dreamt about and let my fingers grip the piece of paper that layed next to them.

I have never really been that good at math but from what I can tell this is a check. It has a lot of zeroes on it and usually the more zeroes the more money it is. I squinted my eyes in confusion as I tried to process why she was being so generous after all these months when it clicked in all of a sudden.

"Your kicking me out." I scoffed in disbelief and I nearly threw the boots at her face.

"Your no longer my responsibility Y/n."she spoke as if she were sad about it but closed her eyes as she took another puff and smiled lightly.

"You can't just do that." I protested

"Oh but I can. You see your an adult now young lady and you sure as hell can't stay here. You have anger issues and im not really sure if I can accept your behavior around the other foster children. Its time to grow up now Y/n." Mrs. Rose spoke in a smooth tone but I wasn't listening to her.

I was livid. No I was furious.

"You have until tonight to be gone." She said in a dissmive tone.

My head snapped up in her direction and my eyes widened.


"I said-"

" I heard what you said!" I yelled loudly not caring if I was waking the others up "Where the hell am I supposed to go Rose!" I yelled even louder and I was so angry that I could feel the hot tears burning in my eyes.

"I don't know Y/n thats why I gave you so much money, but you need to calm down-"

"Calm down? You want me to calm down?!" I started to laugh for a moment before I broke down into tears. My emotions were all over the place and I'm not sure if I can handle them. I ran my hands through my hair as I paced in her room back and forth. I saw her hand reach for the phone and I laughed once more.

"Don't worry I'm not going to kill you." I squinted my eyes at the woman who had supposedly took me in.

"Is it because they stopped paying you money to take care of me?"

I didnt get a reply from her just a wide eyed stare.

I walked over to her vanity and swiped everything onto the floor watching as her make up flew in all different directions.

"Y/n.Leave. Now." She spoke and put out her cigarrate with a shaky hand.

"You're scared of me arent you?" I scoffed as I took in her unsettled appearance.

"I hope you have a good life." she rolled her eyes at me and I lost it.

"And I hope you die of lung cancer." I fired back and that was pretty much the last straw.

"Get out of my house!" She yelled at me and I was officially unwelcomed here. Just like that. On my 18th birthday.

I simply gave her a small smirk as if I didnt care.

"Whatever I don't care anyway." I laughed

Except I did care. I cared so damn much and I didnt know what was hurting more. My heart or my eyes. As soon as my face was out of her view the burning turned into liquid tears racing down my cheeks.

I walked quickly to my room with the box still in my hand.

"AGHHH!" I screamed loudly and started to grab everything within arms distance and threw it as far as I could. I grabbed my bookshelf and pushed it on its side and started to laugh at how pathetic I must have looked. Then I cried some more.

"I don't even know how to take care of myself." I mumbled as i sat down on my bed. The only thing close to me was my white stuffed bear so I grabbed him and hugged him.

Its not like I had anyone else to hug.

Sometimes I call him China because thats where he was made but he doesn't really have a name.

"Do you think I'm a waste of space China?" I spoke as I hugged the bear to my chest. I didn't really expect to get an awnser but the loud ringing of silence make me feel even more lonely.

"I guess it's time to go huh." I spoke and nodded to myself.

I set my teddybear down and started packing. Crying every time I grabbed something that held memories and laughing every time I remembered.

This is where I decide how I get to live my life and well....lets just say I've never really been good at that.

Laters baby😏

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