Author's note

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I am currently speechless.


Because I just went to a Hunter Hayes concert. And something out of my wildest, most insane dreams just happened.

So, have y'all seen those FTLOM videos where Hunter sees signs in the audience saying, "My dream is to sing onstage with you!" and he pulls them up?

I decided, "You know what? What's the worst that could happen?" And so I made a poster which read, "YOU ARE MY IDOL! MAY I SING ONSTAGE WITH YOU?" There was a part of my brain saying, "This is stupid, it'll never work," but then there was this tiny part of me, hoping, praying to every god, even the ones I don't believe in, that it would work.

Needless to say, up and running came Concert Day. I was beyond excited, and I had finished my poster. I knew it would never work, but honestly, I didn't care. Here I was, about to see the Hunter Hayes in the flesh. My idol. The man who inspires me (and so many others) to be myself.

His opening act, Aleyce Simmonds (who was amazing, just wanna point that out) was finished, and he was to come on next. He started with "Tattoo" and "Storm Warning", and I decided it was time to hold up my poster.

So I did.

I shook as I held it- how was I meant to conceal how I felt? I was excited, nervous, exhilarated, all at once. And I couldn't believe it when Hunter looked over at my sign.

And then he looked away.

So I was like, "You know what? I tried. I'm okay with this." And I watched, and sang, and videoed and partied. It was amazing.

Eight songs later, I had given up hope. I didn't think he was going to bring me up, and I was a little downcast, but whatever! I was at a Hunter Hayes concert! It was amazing!

Andy started playing "Wanted" on the piano, and Hunter pointed at him, a gesture to say, "Keep playing." I held my iPod's flashlight to my sign, because he was pretty close. Remember, I was at the corner of the stage, and out the front.

And then Hunter came right over and looked at my sign.

He held the mike to my mouth and asked me my name. I introduced myself as Nethmini, and he invited me onstage. The crowd went wild, and I was trembling like mad. He spoke to me onstage for a bit, told me that the sign was "very sweet", then asked me if I knew "Wanted". I stopped breathing. "Wanted"?! That was the first song of his I ever learned, the first song I ever heard, and fell in love with. I said yes, and he told me to sing the first verse and chorus with him. I couldn't believe it.

Halfway through the first verse, out of nerves, I cracked, and I sounded really bad, so I moved the mike away. But he just encouraged me, he told me to keep singing. So I did. I managed to sing the chorus, and I gave him a hug, before getting off stage. I couldn't stop crying during "Wanted" and I trembled the entire time.

Honestly, all I could think about was that his hand was kinda cold.

I still can't believe it happened. I'm shaking so hard while writing this. I just met, sang with and hugged my idol.

I just want to say that don't ever not believe in yourself or your dreams.

You never know when they'll come true.

With all my love,

Nethii <3

The First Steps (A Hunter Hayes Fanfiction, Book 1 of the Hardships Saga)Where stories live. Discover now