Chapter XVIII

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Warning - slight mature content

Distant voices could be heard but it was dark. My throat felt dry, I wanted to open my mouth and speak, but immediately had to cough.

The voices became louder, clearer, they were familiar voices. For a brief moment, I thought I could open my eyes. Darkness.

Soft voices again, whispering, I wanted to speak, move my hands. I hear you. Who are you? Darkness.

My mouth was so dry, water, I needed water. Did anyone hear me? I’m here. Where am I? Is someone there? Darkness.

A bright light before my eyes, I could move my hands. Water, I needed water. Voices, there they were again. Familiar voices, they were clearer now. Fred? Darkness.

A squeeze on my hand. Warmth. Was someone holding my hand? Fred? I need water. Dry. Tired. Darkness.

Again, voices. Today I was strong enough. I knew it. I could do it. I slowly opened my eyes. Bright light, blink. Where was I? Water! I needed water! Fred?

„She is moving!“, The voice could now be heard clearly. Fred. More voices, whispering, shuffling.

„Peppy, love, can you hear me?“

I hear you.

„Peppy? Can you speak?“


„Fred, are you sure?“ Remus.

„I am! Peppy, answer me.“


I wanted to speak. A gurgling sound. Was that my voice? What’s that in my mouth, I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t swallow.

„She says something, be quiet. She is awake.“, they could hear me. Fred.
Breathe, I can’t breathe. Choking. Coughing.

„Mr. Weasley, please get away from the bed,“ an unfamiliar voice.

„No!“, Fred.

„Freddie dear, do what she says,“ Mrs. Weasley.

„Okay, Ms. Campbell, you are awake, listen, you have a tube in your throat, a Muggle invention, very helpful. I’m pulling it out now. Relax.“, unknown voice.

She pulled. I coughed. I could breathe. I opened my eyes. Where am I?

„F-Fre-ddie?“, My voice was sore.

„I’m here my love.“, Fred scurried to my side and took my hand. I smiled at him. Darkness.


When we first heard about the incident at the Ministry, I knew immediately that Penny was there.

George and I were on our way as soon as we heard they had taken Penny to St Mungo’s.

The others could be treated by Madam Pomfrey at Hogwarts, but her injuries were too severe. George had to calm me down the whole time because the healers wouldn’t let me see her.

When I first saw her, with all the tubes, cables and monitors, my world collapsed. I was told that they used muggle methods to help her breathe.

So I spent most of the days and nights by her bed. I was absolutely certain that she heard me and felt my presence. After they pulled the tube out we were able to take her to grimmauld place where she could continue to recover.


I opened my eyes. I felt better. Fred sat next to me sleeping, his head on my stomach, his face pointing towards me and a few hairs were falling over his eyes. I raised my hand and gently stroked  the hair off his face. His eyes slowly fluttered open. When our eyes met, he smiled.

„How are you feeling?“, he asked softly.

„I’m thirsty.“, My voice still sounded hoarse and it was exhausting to speak. Fred got up immediately and went to the other side of the bed, where a small table was attached to it. He filled a glass of water and handed it over.

„Can you help me?“ I asked him.

„Of course.“, He helped me to sit up a little, he put a hand under my head to support me and carefully brought the glass up to my lips.

I took the first sip, it felt strange, unfamiliar. Like I was drinking for the first time. But it was good.

„What happened and where am I?“, I looked around the room, it looked like my room in grimmauld place only that it was more like a hospital room, with a huge monitor above the bed.

„What exactly do you remember?“, he asked and I thought for a moment. Images appeared in front of my eyes.

„We were at the Ministry, it was a trap, we fought. My father is dead. That’s all I can remember. Are the others alright?“, I asked concerned.

„They’re all safe. But you gave me quite the scare. Some woman used the killing curse on you. Remus said some kind of protective shield came out of the veil that your father fell through shortly before. It did hit you and you were in a coma for a couple of weeks, but it didn’t kill you.” I swore I saw tears in Fred’s eyes. „I’m so glad you’re okay, Peppy.“, he pressed a soft kiss on my forehead.

„A couple of weeks?“ I asked, shocked.
„What month is it?“

„September.“ Fred mumbled.

„Sorry? Did you say September?“ I sat up too quickly and immediately felt dizzy.

„Yes, oh and ..“, he got up, went over to my dresser and opened a drawer from which he took a small box, then came back to me.

„Happy belated 17th birthday, sweetheart.“ He handed me the box, which was messily wrapped.

I stared at it, unable to understand what Fred had just told me. I missed my birthday, I missed the start of the new school year. What else did I miss?

„Open it.“, his voice got me out of my thoughts. I unwrapped it and opened the box and found a beautiful ring. I looked at Fred with my mouth open.

„This is a promise ring.“, Fred took the small, delicate ring out of the box, it was a rose gold with a single red stone on it. It was beautiful. „it’s a ruby, it’s your birthstone.“, he smiled.

„Fred, you didn’t have to do that.“, my eyes were still on the ring that Fred was holding in his hand. Trying to proceed his words, I felt completely overwhelmed.

„But I wanted to. May I?“, he pointed to my hand, which I gladly gave him.

„I promise you that I will always protect you, I will never leave you alone again and always be there for you. And at some point, and if you do me the honor, I will exchange this ring for another.“, Fred gently slipped it on my ring finger and I looked at it.

„Fred it is beautiful.“, I pulled him towards me, my hands on his neck, we looked each other in the eyes and finally, after much too long, our lips met again. It was like the very first kiss, butterflies erupted in my stomach and it was pure happiness.

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