Day 1: Rescue

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Last September, Hetty had mysteriously turned in retirement papers and vanished. Her team searched endlessly looking for her.

Until in January, with the help of the very sweet assistant to the new assistant director of NCIS, discovered that she had been in Vietnam the whole time.

Callen figured that that many months with no contact must mean that something was wrong. And sure enough, digging around revealed that she had been held captive for 3 months.

The team flew to Vietnam and rescued her. They were now going home.

Callen woke up in the night, looked over to Hetty, who was asleep on his arm. He saw that she was barely awake, and her hand was slightly shaking.

He squeezed it and whispered: 'It's okay, you're safe now.'

'Callen?' She whispered back.


'I love you.'

'I love you too, Hetty.' He whispered back. And they both fell back to sleep.

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