26○ Blood

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•I feel like I should mention that this book is a few years behind the original Bonten storyline-

'It said to meet here, right? Am I too late? ' Y/N pondered to herself as she took a seat on a wooden box that was in the abandoned small shop. She had left just after midnight when she was sure Mikey was asleep, leaving him a note onto the kitchen counter. Her E/C hues hardened as she gazed down at her ungloved hands. "Are you sure this is a good idea? " A male's voice spoke up from beside her.

"It's better than nothing I suppose, what are you doing here anyway? " She replied and lifted her head up to see the slightly transparent male with short messy black hair. "I thought I'd come visit you, make sure everything's doing okay. " He smiled while holding his hands behind his back. "You know, you never talked or told me about my mother. Why is that? " The young girl with H/C hair inquired causing his black orbs to flicker.

"Mm, you really want to know? Alrighty then. " He started, taking a seat down beside her on a barrel. "When I was around 22, I met a woman. Although after that meeting, she never spoke to me again.. Except almost 9 months later when I was about to leave and go work in my bike shop that evening.. " He continued as she listened intently. "I found a 2 week old baby in a basket with a note. A little cliche in my opinion but, that note told me the infant was my daughter and that her mother had passed away shortly after labor. " Her E/C hues widened as she listened to the new information.

"And that the baby's grandparents couldn't take care for someone who took their own daughter away from them. And so, I named her Y/N since her blank birth certificate was also with her. " Shinichiro finished causing her to look down to her feet. "So.. It's my fault? I'm the reason she's dead? " Y/N sputtered out causing the male's eyes to widen. "What? No! No, of course not! It was never your fault, N/N, from what I was told she had medical issues that caused complications after your birth. " He comforted as he crouched in front of her, trying to place one of his ghostly hands on her cheek, only for it to go straight through her face.

Y/N's head lifted up as she heard footsteps approach the door to the abandoned cafe she was in.
"It took me awhile to find where you went, if your going to try and sneak out.. Don't knock over a pot and not put it back in place
" The familiar voice of the criminal organization's leader caught her attention as her eyes widened while she watched him enter into the shop. "Mikey.. " She mumbled out, shocked that he was standing in front of her. "Y/N, I know you want to find the people who tried to kill you.. But this isn't the way to do it. " He informed as her gaze turned to look back onto the flooring.

"I just want answers, anything, that will tell me why it happened. If it was because I did something. " She retorted her fingernails curling into her palms. "Why would it be your fault? It never was your fault, I had gotten careless and left you alone when I shouldn't have. " Mikey stated as a confused expression took of his features. "Because I.. Because lately it's felt like I've been adding to the trouble with Bonten. And.. " She tried to speak, but her voice wavered and broke.. Her calm demeanor slowly cracking.

"Well well, funny thing to see you here. Manjiro Sano. " A loud and dramatic male's voice announced making the girl's head shoot up to look at where it came from. She recognized that voice.. It was from the man who was apart of the organization who kidnapped her almost half a year ago. Something she wished she would never hear ever again. "Who the hell are you? " The male with a white undercut questioned as he turned so his back was facing his niece.

"You can call me, Maitarou. " The man with short snow white hair stated as he made his appearance in the doorway of the cafe. "Hello there again. It's been awhile, hm? " He smiled to the young girl who was standing behind Mikey. "I assume you found my letter promptly. " Maitarou stated, holding his hands behind his back so they weren't visible. "It's quite exciting to be so close to what you want. " He mysteriously pointed out. "Do you ever feel like that, Nanaki? " He spoke to someone, causing the young girl to immediately feel someone wrap their arm around her shoulders. "No, I don't. " The man with long light lilac hair stated, leaning his face close to the side of the girl's head as she begun to struggle within his grip. "Make trouble for us, and I'll shoot Mikey. " He threatened, showing her the black handheld firearm that was in his palm.

"Now then, I'm afraid you can't get into our way, Manjiro. " The albino haired man informed, holding a shiny silver steel pipe within his gloved hands, swinging it behind him like a bat. Before Mikey had time to react to it, since he was facing towards his niece, he was thrown to the ground from the sudden force against his skull.

Nanaki tightly held the H/C haired girl while keeping a white cloth against her mouth and nostrils. Muffling the sound of her yelling out Mikey's name. "Hm, that turned out easier than I expected. We'll see you wake then, night night~" Maitarou waved the girl goodbye as her eyelids felt heavy and her struggling slowly stopped.

Except.. Little did they know, the criminal on the floor had texted the address of the abandoned building he ventured to, to Kakucho and Sanzu just before he entered the building.


•Or is it?

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