20○ Hugs

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"What are you doing here? Go back! " Shinichiro stated as he looked down at the young girl with H/C hair. Small tears pricked the corners of her big E/C hues as he crouched down to her height and wrapped his arms around her in a hug. It had been so long since he was actually able to hold her his arms. Sure, he had never truly left her side, only physically, but he tried his best to stay with her when he could. He watched as she grew from a small infant to the little terror she was now before his ghostly black orbs.

"I-I'm sorry! " Y/N cried out, letting sobs leave her throat as she clutched his shirt between her fingers. "You can't stay here.. " He mumbled out causing her to lift her head to look up at him. "Once it's truly yours and Mikey's time to come here, we'll be waiting for you two. But until then, you guys need to take care of one another. " The black haired man informed making her eyes widen.
The young girl's E/C orbs snapped open, the eye that wasn't covered by the white bandages stared at the ceiling before slowly moving over to her left. Just to see the man with a white undercut resting his head against the bed she was laid on, his eyes shut while holding her small hand. "Mi.. Key? " She muttered out with a raspy voice as the memories of what transpired ran back through her mind.

Y/N immediately dropped the box, but the timer inside had stopped. And almost immediately after, whatever was in the box lite up and detonated.

The last thing she remembered was the loud noises of the multiple explosions that blew throughout the penthouse building. And being thrown against a burnt wall as the right side of her body felt like it was on fire. She honestly felt like she was going to die then and there.. Not being able to see the Bonten executives one last time. Her family.

Big and salty tears welled up in her eyes, going through the bandages that wrapped around her head, and slowly begun to dribble as she still felt like she was hugging her father. Apparently, her little blubbering stirred the male previously asleep by her bedside because his head immediately shot up. "You.. Your.. " He breathed out as his black orbs gazed down at her before gently scooping her up into his arms, being mindful of the medical tubes that were still attached to her. "I'm sorry.. " The man whispered out as she placed her head on his shoulder. Putting one of her small hands on the back of his head since he was holding her up.


"How much did me having to stay here cost? " Y/N questioned as she sat in the bed, lightly messing with the dressing that wrapped her hands and fingers. "Don't worry about it, Koko said he'll take care of it. " Mikey waved it off. Truth was, Kokonoi was paying for her recovery because he didn't want to see another person he cared about die when he could've done something. He didn't know if she was alive or dead in all honesty, he was too afraid to know if the latter was true.

"Is everyone else okay? " She asked once more as he leant back in his chair a little. "Their fine. Whether they admit to it or not, some of them are still a little shook up. Sanzu's currently combing through Bonten to find the traitors and who's responsible for the bomb package. " The leader replied as he closed his tired looking black hues.

"My bandages are itchy.. " She mumbled out causing him to very faintly laugh as she gently scratched the white bandage that was wrapped over the right side of her face with one of her fingers. "The nurse said they'll be able to remove them in a few days, once the scarring has healed a little more. "

•I'm gonna try my darnedest to draw what y/n's burn scars are gonna look like-
•so bare with me 🙏

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