16○ Truth.. or Fake?

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Letting his head look around, it took him a few hours to drive where his phone said his card was used but why a motel of all things?

"Hey, I'm looking for a girl with H/C hair. Have you seen her? " Kokonoi questioned the man at the counter who was fumbling with his phone. "Yeah, she came in last night. She your daughter or something? " He questioned as the white haired male glanced to the side and scratched his cheek. "Something like that I suppose. "

Jogging up the staircase and walking across the platform until he reached the room he was directed to. "Y/N? You in there? Its me, Hajime. " He called out and knocked his knuckles on the door. After a few more minutes of knocking, figuring that she's either asleep or dead, he took a few steps back. He took in a small deep breath before lifting his foot up and slamming it against the door, forcing it open. His sudden loudness caused the girl who was previously asleep on the bed to roll off since she wasn't expecting it. "What the hell? " She mumbled and sat up, let her E/C hues look over to the long white haired male.

"Jesus, did you have to break the door? " Y/N inquired as she looked at the damage he inforced on the poor motel room door. "Honestly, how did you even get from where we were fighting all the way on the other side of Tokyo? " Koko spoke as he shut the door once the two of them were back outside. "I took a bus believe it or not, how are you here by the way? " She answered and lightly jogged after him since he was walking to his car. "I drove. "


When the two got back to the Bonten penthouse, Kakucho immediately took her to the bathroom since she had untreated injuries and lacerations. The unkempt state of the home however shocked Y/N, Kaku informed he that Mikey did not take to her being take to well..

Currently, she was just laying around in her own bed, freshly bandaged and a bit tired since her body was still healing itself. Her E/C orbs glanced over to the right near her closet as she saw something laid underneath her beanbag chair. Slowly but surely, she sat up and hopped off of her mattress to begin wandering over to her chair.

'Is this Shinichiro..? But who's that? ' She pondered as she looked at the Polaroid picture while standing up, it had the black haired male smiling while holding an infant in his arms. The setting sun was painting their faces. As she gazed more at the picture, she began to see the short H/C hair that the infant had. "I thought you might like this, since you seem to have forgotten who I was. " A kind voice spoke beside her as the girl turned her head to the right and looked at the ghostly messy black haired male who was squatting beside her, fondly gazing at the picture she held in her hands.

The young girl's breathing began to increase as small crystal tears pricked her eyes. Memories her brain had pushed out for so long began to flood back at a rapid pace, so fast she wasn't prepared for it.

"Eh? You wanna help? I think your hands might be a bit too small, Y/N. " Shin teased the pouting toddler as he gently poked her stomach. "Here, wrap your hands around the wrench and turn the gear. " He softly instructed as he sat her in his lap, holding the metal tool with one of his hands as he 'taught' the small girl a few things about motorbikes.

Mikey's head lifted up from his paperwork as he heard loud crashing noises coming from the H/C haired girl's bedroom. "Y/N? Everything okay in there? " He called out as he walked down the hallway towards her bedroom. As far as he knew she was resting in bed. Placing his hand on the doorknob, he slowly turned it, opening the door. His black orbs travelled to the shaking girl who was leaned against her nightstand, breathing heavily, the lamp that was previously sat on it was knocked to the floor, causing the glass shade on it to shatter. "Y/N? What's the matter? " He inquired as said girl began to take deep breaths.

"..You never told me.." She muttered out as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and let out a 'what? '. "You never told me that I was his daughter. You always brushed it off or said you didn't know who exactly my parents were. " She spoke up as his eyes flickered. "You didn't give me the name 'Y/N'. That's been my name my entire life! " She continued as her hands held her head.

Putting this into two parts 🙏

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