10○ ..Oh boy..

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"Oh fuck off! "

"Shut the hell up! Your just pissed you can't find your damn drugs! "

"So you do know where they are!! I knew it! "

The scarred pink male yelled back as his hands slammed against the wooden coffee table as he raged on. "Mhm, I do. But I also know about you stupid ass pink pajamas with hearts on them! " Rindou revealed as a dramatic gasp left Sanzu's mouth. "You said you wouldn't say anything about those! I don't even know why I'm still here!! " He screamed as he stormed off to his bedroom.

"Wow.. You weren't lying when you said that they could get pretty mad during a game.. " Y/N piped up as she along with most of Bonten had watched the two male's fight. "Yeah.. Rindou always got pretty pissed whenever I beat him at a game. " Ran informed as he shuffled the deck of cards before passing them out. They were currently teaching Y/N to play poker, because what else would they teach an 8 year old? A pussies game like Candyland? No no.

The older Haitani glanced up from his hand and over to Y/N who was sitting between Mikey and Takeomi with a smile on her face as she gazed at her cards. He took out his phone and brought up the camera, showing it to the girl, "Here, look at the camera and then back at your hand and back up to the camera. " He instructed as the girl did as told before her E/C hues widened slightly as she saw her smile. "Oh I'm smiling! That's new. " She spoke as the male brought his phone back.

"Now, what do you see when I look at my hand? " He asked as she watched him look back down at his cards and pull a pouty face. "Uhh, you look sad.. So your hand isn't very good? " She hesitantly spoke, not sure if she was right or not. "Exhibit A! Now show me your cards. " Ran instructed as the girl placed her hand flat on the table. "A full house.. That's good right? " She mumbled over to the white haired leader who nodded in response.

"Well now, if this was an actual game I would've won because I have.. A four of a kind. " He revealed as he also placed his cards flat onto the table. The H/C haired girl furrowed her eyebrows as she looked down to his cards and then back up at the smiling adult. "Is this something that people know about? It sounds pretty smart. " She inquired, a bit salty at the fact she lost. "Y/N, let me give you a bit of life advice, whats shown on someone's face may not be the intentions in their heart. " He wisely spoke as she looked at with a confused look. "So it's like when someone's on trial and Sanzu's smiling at them.. He doesn't always mean it? This changes a lot of things.. Who can you trust and who can't you? " She trailed off the as the male began to shuffle the deck of cards again.

"You never know, that's what makes life a rollercoaster and fun. " He finished as Koko looked over to him. "Wow, since when did you become so wise? " The long haired male teased as Ran looked over to him. "Oh hush, I can be wise when I want too. " He retorted causing Takeomi to snort. "That is such bullshit. "


"Sanzu? Are you okay in there? " Y/N questioned as she gently knocked on the male's bedroom door. "Well, if your asleep or somethin'.. I made you something I thought you might like! I'll leave them here for you! " She informed as she placed the plate in her hands on the floor in front of his door with a sticky note taped onto the packaging wrapping that was pulled over the plate to keep the pill shaped sweets fresh.

She quietly peeked around the corner as she heard his door open. A small smile etched his face as he read the note she wrote on the paper, since her writing wasn't the greatest Kaku helped her write it and signed the note with her as a co-helper.

When Y/N woke up the next morning in her bed she was surprised to see a light pink sticky note on her hand. 'Thanks.💊' It read as the girl opened up her bedside drawer and carefully placed it inside as to not crush it.

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