14○ Hell

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TW: Blood, Violence

"Boss she won't say anything. What should we do now? " One of the tattooed men spoke as someone else smacked the girl with the butt of his gun, causing her to spit out a bit of blood due to the sudden force. "Prep her for surgery. We'll cut her brain open and learn where Bonten's little hideout is. Don't use the anesthesia. " The black haired boss spoke before he walked out of the room they were in, letting his subordinates tug her down to 'medical room' and strapped her down to a medical bed.

Her E/C orbs gently shut as she felt the tingling sensation of a black market being used to draw lines on her forehead. "Mm, this is not a very cool way to go. " She mumbled, she always wanted to die a cool death. Like in a really cool explosion or a volcano! Not by having her head cracked open and her brains scooped out. "Y/N? Are you dead on us yet? If you aren't, there's a small blade concealed in your waist band. " The voice of Izana quietly mumbled into her ear causing her eyebrows to furrow. "What? " She questioned aloud, making one of the surgeons look over to her.

"Uh.. Wha-what are you going to do to me? " She quickly recovered, trying to save her ass from her little slip up. "Right side, just by your hip. " The orchid hued boy informed as he watched her slowly grip out the small switchblade and bring it out of the waistband of her pants. Y/N quickly snapped her arm up and sliced the straps that previously held her down before launching herself at one of the surgeons close to her and brought the blade across his neck, causing him to bring a hand up to it while blood spit out. "I taught her that. " The long black haired boy puffed out his chest with a proud tone as he and Izana watched the girl as she took out the other surgeon by climbing onto his back like a monkey and snapping his neck.

"Any ideas where this place's goddamn exit is? " Y/N spoke as she grabbed a wet wipe and began to clean off the marker on her forehead.


"Great.. Guess I'll have to ask. " She grumbled when they both shook their heads but quickly followed after her as she stealthily moved down the hallway before hiding behind a wall when she heard multiple footsteps coming down the hallway to her left. 'Shit shit shit, I need a place to hide! ' She frantically thought as her eyes darted every which way. She had blood on her so even if she did manage to get out of where she was, she had to change clothes.

"By the way, I like your earrings. " Izana complimented as he looked at the girl's earrings that were like a mini version of his own. Kakucho helped her with them, Mikey liked them. Once Y/N was sure the coast was clear, she gently popped up the air vent door and lowered her legs down until she was able to drop herself down to the floor.


As the girl silently crept down the hallway, a Yelp left her mouth as something suddenly kicked her in the back. "Son of a.. " She groaned as she began to sit up and saw it was the boss someone was talking too. "So the toy escaped.. How interesting. " He stated as he began to bring something out of the pocket of his black suit. That was when the girl decided to strike but immediately stopped when he threw a vial containing gold liquid at her. Her E/C hues widened as she put her hands up in front of her when gold tinted gas from the vial entered her vicinity. "What the hell?! " She yelled out as she held a hand over of her eyes since pain was radiating from it. But none of the gas got in her eyes..right? "What the fuck did you throw at me?! " She demanded as the man smirked. "Just a little gift. " He informed before turning on his heel, beginning to walk away.
Y/N glanced around once she finally made it outside of the compound. And it was snowing.. Yay. "It's freaking cold. " She shivered to herself since all she was wearing was light blood stained sweater with matching sweatpants and sandals. Not exactly ideal for winter weather. "Oh hey, there's a bus stop over there! " Baji pointed out as she looked over to where he was motioning and saw an empty bus stop with a long vehicle waiting by it. "Oh boy, just my luck. " She sarcastically cheered before beginning to make her way to the stop to climb onto the bus and hope it stopped close enough to the penthouse.

Did this go fast and not make a lot of sense? Probably-

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