2○ Books

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It had been a few days since Y/N was brought to her new home and was now sitting against a fluffy beanbag, trying to read a book. Sitting up from her seat, carefully holding the book in her arms, she looked around and saw Rindou. Deciding to bound towards him, she gently tugged on his pant leg before showing him the book and pointing to the word she didn't know. "That's pronounced 'pestilent', what kind of book are you reading? " He questioned as placed his mug on the counter and flipped through a few pages of the book. "Isn't this a bit advanced for someone your age? How'd you even find it anyway? " He questioned as he gently handed the book back. "Ah.. Uhm.. I found it lying on a shelf. " She quietly answered.

The scarred pink haired male let out a soft yawn as he walked out of his bedroom. Hangovers sucked ass, especially if you added drugs into the mix. "Eh? Wow Rindou~ I didn't think you would be so domestic with our new little friend~" He teased as he saw the sight in the living room. The mullet wearing male was sitting on the beige sofa, periodically drinking from his mug that held caffeinated liquid in it while also having his eyes trained on the tv, with the small girl lightly leaned up against his side with her nose stuck in a book. "Shut up Sanzu, or I'll crush all your pills and toss them into the trash. " He warned as he turned his head to look over his shoulder.

"How is the little doe doing this morning? " Sanzu inquired as he leaned over the back of the sofa and looked to the small girl who lifted her head to look up at him. When the quiet girl didn't answer him, he just held a small smile on his lips and patted her head before wandering over to the kitchen.

"Don't pay mind to him, he's more odd than most. " The violet hued male mumbled over to the girl who lifted her head to look up at him while the noise of Sanzu saying 'I heard that! ' came from the kitchen. Y/N hadn't really talked to the other members, mostly because she didn't want to be seen as a bother, including Mikey so instead she'd just stay alone in the nice bedroom she was given or sit quietly by the bookshelf in the living room.


"Mikey? Mr. Pink? " The H/C haired girl called out as she somehow had lost the white haired leader and the scarred executive. The three of them, Sanzu had dragged her along, were walking down the sidewalk when Y/N had lost a page in her book and stopped to find it again. Did I lose them? She let a soft sigh escape from her lips before dropping down on the edge of the curb and bringing her knees up to her chest. Why were they being so nice to her? A complete stranger..

"Hey kid, what the hell are you doing? " A gruff voice spoke as she lifted her head up to see a teenager, most likely, with a lit cigarette hanging from his mouth. "Mikey said if I get separated to stay put and he would come find me. " She mumbled out as two other teenagers suddenly walked forward to their little leader. "Well kid, this is our street so go sit somewhere else. " He grumbled out as the girl tilted her head. "You own this street? It's in your name? Even if it is, Mikey said to stay put. " She repeated and slowly stood up but let out a soft noise when one of the older boy's snatched the book she was holding out of her small arms.

"Could I have that back please? Takeomi said to return it to him in the condition he gave it to me in. " She politely asked when the 'leader' grit his teeth and slammed hos foot into her stomach, making her fall backwards.

After a few minutes or so of the girl being kicked and tossed around, the boy placed his foot on top of her head and blew out some smoke from his mouth. "Creepy little kid, I'll stomp your head in. " He announced as Y/N awaited for pain to come but it never did, if anything she heard grunts and screams of terror. She let out a small noise when she was suddenly lifted up from ground and held in someone's arms. "I'll leave them to you Sanzu. " The familiar voice of the white haired leader filled her ears as she looked over his shoulder. "But Takeomi's book.. I said I'd give it back in good condition. " She reminded as she looked at the reading material that was torn apart and strewn on the sidewalk. "You can tell him what happened and he'll let it go. " Mikey explained as he placed one of his hands in his pocket while the other held her up.

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