XXIII- St. Mungo's

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Anna's POV

I get up early, for once, and not because I didn't sleep. Which is all very surprising coming from me, but hey, it's Christmas. Best time for miracles, or so I've heard. Better than Halloween, if I do say so myself. I washed my face with cold water to make sure my body wouldn't change it's mind and get me to fall asleep in the middle of the day. I heard we would go see Mr. Weasley and this time I would come. There were chances Moony would be there, which only made my mood better. I walked in the kitchen and froze.

Right there, in front of me, were Moony and Padfoot. Kissing.

They saw me and broke apart, stumbling on their words as they tried to explain. A grin broke my face and I laughed.

"I fucking knew it, yes!"

"You- you knew?" Moony asked, glancing at Sirius.

"Well, I hoped more than anything because that tension," I whistle to finish my point.

"You, euh, you're cool with it... right?" Pads asked.

"Well yeah, obviously. " Would be slightly hypocritical of me. Though I don't mention that.

"Okay, well that's, that's a relief." They smiled nervously at me.

"Were you already together before? Like when mum and dad could've known?"

"Lily figured it out before we even knew," Remus snorted, sitting down with me.

"Prongs took a while to figure it out."

"He was oblivious for what, two years?"

"Yeah, two years before realizing his best mates were together."

I laughed at that. "Well, I know who Harry takes after then."

"Oblivious too then? I wasn't sure."

"Please,  someone could tell him they love him romantically and he wouldn't be sure it's addressed to him." They laughed at that.

"Well, Prongs only had eyes for Lily, so I can imagine he would've been the same," Moony said. "Though he was only oblivious to romance, wether he was involved or not."

"He wasn't as oblivious to other things."

"Well, he did figure out I was a werewolf in second year."

"With my help!" Pads protested.

"Sure, Pads, whatever you say."

"He was also a bloody genius at quidditch. He figured out the other teams strategies so easily."

"He was obsessed."

"How could he not? Quidditch is a blessing put upon this earth," I said, making Remus groan. "I'm only speaking facts."

"I swear, I could hear your father."

"He wanted to be a professional you know," Sirius added. "Before the war that is. But I think he would've pursued his dream after that."


"Yeah, he was passionate."

"You were too for a while. Let me tell you, during first year, it was awful. I'd come into our dorm and would have to listen to them talk about quidditch for hours. A true nightmare."

"No shit, if I had a roommate who loved quidditch I would rant for hours."

"See, your father's daughter," Sirius beamed.

"Iactuallygotrecruitedbyateam," I mumbled, looking down the tables as if it was the most fascinating thing I'd ever seen.

"What was that, Anna?"

Can it be?  | Pansy ParkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now