XII- Merging?

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Anna's POV

Five days had passed since I spent time with my Slytherin friends in the astronomy tower and I had decided to organize some kind of merging. I didn't trust Hermione and I wanted to be the one to tell Neville and Luna that I was friends with Slytherins. I had talked about it to Blaise, Theo and Pansy and they had agreed to meet them. I now only needed to tell Neville and Luna.

"So," I started as I sat down in front of them. I joined my hands together on the table and looked up at them. "We need to talk."

"Okay...," Neville said after exchanging a look with Luna.

"What about?" she asked.

"So there's something I need to tell you two and I don't want Granger to be the one you learn this form."

"She knows something we don't?" Luna asked, unpleased.

"Not like I wanted her to know, but she already decided to tell Harry and Ron because she 'worries'" I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Alright. Well what is it?" Neville inquired.

"I'm friends with Slytherins," I blurted out. I had no real idea of what they thought about them so this only added to my stress. Their eyebrows were raised in shock and they didn't answer right away.

"Why?" Luna finally asked.

"Well they're really nice. I share my Ancient runes class with Theo and he's really nice."

"So you're friends with Theo?" I nodded.

"Okay, who else?" Neville added.

"Pansy and Blaise."

"Okay, that- that's fine," Neville said, looking at Luna.

"Yes, yes of course," Luna smiled.

"Okay yeah, that's great." I took a pause. "Wanna meet them?"

"Meet them?" Neville repeated with big eyes.

"Yeah I, I thought it could be nice you know. You guys are my best friends and well I just think you could get along well with them," I mumbled while playing with my hands, looking away from them. 

"Anna, you know I always mess up when I meet other people," Neville said.

"And people usually don't like me," Luna added lowly.

"I know. And I get why you're worried, it's totally understandable. I'm not asking you guys to befriend them just, maybe, meet up with them and have possible new friendships," I explained.

"I'm not sure, Anna."

"Right," I said and looked down to my hands. I knew they didn't feel fully comfortable with befriending people, perhaps I shouldn't have asked.

"Can you tell us a bit about them?" Luna asked.

"Yes of course," I immediately agreed and looked up to them. "So, Pansy is- she's really nice and sweet and go-" I stopped myself. "She's really nice. Theo is funny and nice too, he'll probably do the most to make you two comfortable if needed. Blaise is kinda closed off, but he's nice and his presence is comforting once you get to know him. They all like Queen and other muggle bands, especially Theo. And they're not blood supremacists."

"Damn, I would never have thought of them like that," Luna confessed. "I'm fine with meeting them."

"Yeah, yeah why not, they seem nice," Neville agreed.

"Right. Well are you- are you guys okay with meeting them like... now?" I asked.


"Yeah," I confirmed, scratching the back of my head.

Can it be?  | Pansy ParkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now