XLIV- History of Magic O.W.L.

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Anna's POV

It was finally time. Every fifth year student was outside the Great Hall, waiting for the doors to open. My mind kept wondering back to Minerva and Poppy. St-Mungo's worker had came for Minnie, so it was most definitely bad. Poppy had looked terrified, and she never had before. Horrified, distressed and disgusted by the injuries, yes, but never scared.

"She's going to be okay, Anna," Theo whispered.  "St-Mungo's has the best healers, they can fix it."

"She was hit by four fucking stunning spells, Theo. It takes like, eight to put a grown dragon to sleep." 

"I know. But you know McGonagall. She's a badass," he mentioned and I smiled lightly.

"She is." I looked up and saw Pansy talking with Greengrass, a stressed look on her face. Merlin she  was gorgeous.

"You're doing it again," Theo monotonously said.

"Doing what?" I asked, not taking my eyes of her.

"Giving heart eyes."

"I am not."

"You so are."

"Oh, shut up," I laughed and pushed him lightly. "Am I not allowed to look at my girlfriend anymore?"

"Not when you're right next to your very single friend, Potter, no you cannot," he answered with a very offended look.

"Oh please," I laughed and rolled my eyes.

The doors opened and I pushed myself off the wall. I looked at Theo and we gave each other a tight smile. I mouthed good luck as we walked in and sat to our given desk. I was right in front of Harry, Pansy not so far in front either. The guy watching us gave out the papers after reading the usual rules. Can't have an automatic writing  quill, things like that. 

I lazily wrote my name and opened the quiz. As I answered the questioned I mentally thanked Pansy for forcing me to study, otherwise this would be a real struggle. I still didn't quite understand why they kept a ghost as teacher. I wondered if he was more energetic when he was still alive. 

I had answered almost half of the questions when I heard someone fall. I discretely looked behind and saw Harry on the floor. Everything the supervisor had said about not moving during the exam went straight out of my head and I kneeled next to him.

"Harry!" I grabbed him, trying to stabilize him slightly to avoid him hurting himself as he convulsed on the floor. "Wake up! Come on, Harry!"

He seemed to unconsciously grab his forehead and I felt my heart sink to my stomach. What the hell was happening to him? I focused my energy in keeping his shoulders and up as still as possible. 

Finally, he opened his eyes, gasping for air and looking absolutely terrified. "Sirius." That was all he was able to say before Poppy came to us and decided to bring him with her to the Infirmary, reassuring me that he would be fine.

"Miss Potter, I have to ask you to sit back at your desk and finish your examination now," the supervisor mentioned.

I got up mindlessly and sat back at my desk. I took my quill and continued answering the questions as best as I could, my mind and body on autopilot. My leg kept going up and down without me being able to stop it. What had my brother seen? Why did he say Sirius' name? Was any of them in danger?

I put down my quill and waited for the supervisor to collect them. Finally, he announced the end of the test and got them all back with his wand. I immediately shot up and went out the doors, rushing to the infirmary. I didn't think about anyone or anything other than my brother at that moment. I opened the doors and saw Harry sitting on a bed, talking with Poppy. 

"Are you alright?!" I asked, my hands going on his shoulders and checking if there were any bruises on his head. "You scared the shit out of me."

"I'm alright, Anna," he answered and tried to get out of my grip, but it stayed firm as I turned to Poppy.

"He is alright, miss Potter," she nodded and I turned back to Harry, finally letting go of his shoulders. "I'll leave you two, I believe miss Granger and mister Weasley will also want to come check up on you, mister Potter."

She walked away and I turned back to him. "What the fuck was that Harry?"

Granger came rushing to us, Ron right in front of her. "Did you have another vision, Harry?" she asked. "I told you you shouldn't have stopped the lessons with Snape!"

"You don't get it, Hermione."

"Was it another vision?" Harry nodded. "You have to be careful Harry!"

"What the fuck are you guys talking about?!"

"Well-" Harry started.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to tell her, Harry?"

"Granger, Harry is my brother. You can tell yourself whatever you want but I would rather die than betray him," I snapped and glared at her. "So you can excluded me from your little defence club, but you do not get to tell my brother to shut up about things he might want to share with me, is that clear?"

She didn't say anything so I turned back to Harry. 

"So, what were you saying? About those visions, or whatever."

"I learned that I have a... mental connection with Voldemort." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "This Christmas, when I knew mister Weasley got attacked, that was because of that mental connection. I saw the snake, Voldemort's snake, attack him. I was the snake."


"So Dumbledore decided that I should have Occlumency sessions with Snape, it's when you have to like-"

"I know what Occlumency is, go on."

"Well yeah, he decided that I should take lessons with him but I didn't really euh, succeed?"

"With a teacher that hates you, I can't say I'm surprised," I muttered.

"Yeah, well one time I kind of went, in his mind? And well, I saw our father bully him. It was after their DADA O.W.L. and well dad just decided to lift him off the ground and embarrass him in front of everyone, Sirius was cheering for him in the background and mom stood up for Snape. Told them to stop and all, but they didn't really. Snape didn't like me seeing that, so he kicked me out and said the lessons were over."

"What a bitch. He was supposed to teach you."

"That's what I said!" Granger said. "Harry refused to go see Dumbledore about it."

"I'm not surprised, he's been a dick lately too."

"Not a dick, he's just busy Anna," Harry defended.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. What did you see?"

"Sirius. He was getting tortured, by Voldemort. He kept asking where something was, I- We need to save him."

"Harry wait. Snape did mention that if he learned of the connection, he could trick you with it," Granger said.

"Than it's easy, we contact the Order," Ron said.

"Yeah, how though?" I asked.

"Floo?" he suggested.

"We can't. The ministry watches all of connections at Hogwarts," Hermione brought up.

"They do?" Harry asked and Hermione nodded. "Since when?"

"Since she's Headmistress," I answered. "And you're only half correct, Granger. They don't watch the fireplace in her office."

So sorry it took so long to update! I'm currently in my final exams and after that, done with high school! Woohoo! I've also been lacking motivation, but I promise, I'm not dropping this story :) Thank you for the support, big love <3

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