XLVII- Battle at the Ministry of Magic

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Anna's POV

Fuck. Why now? I knew it was a bad idea to grab this fucking thing, why didn't Harry listen to us? Stubborn dick.

Black figures surrounded us, eyes shining through the slits of their masks, and they were all pointing their wands at us. They were a dozen of them. For fuck's sake. Ginny let out a small scream.

"Give me that, Potter," Lucius Malfoy said again and held out his hand. I grabbed Harry's other arm. "Give it."

"Where's Sirius?"

The Death Eaters burst out laughing at Harry's words.

"The dark lord always knows what to do!" a feminine voice called.

"Always," Malfoy agreed. "Now give me the prophecy Potter."

"I want to know where Sirius is!"

"I want to know where Sirius is," the feminine voice mocked. Her voice was so unsettling.

"You imprisoned him," Harry said and I could hear the panic raise in his voice. I gripped his arm tighter. "He's here, I know it."

"Aw, the baby woke up in a startle and thought his dream was true," the woman spoke with a baby's voice.

"Don't try anything," Harry mumbled to Ron. "Not yet."

"Do you hear him?" She laughed. "Do you hear him? Giving instructions to the other kids like they can fight against us!" 

"Potter has a weak point for melodramatics, Bellatrix," Lucius answered and I felt my stomach drop. Bellatrix? I searched for Neville's hand and he gripped it tightly. "The Dark Lord understood that very clearly. Now give me that prophecy, Potter!"

"I know Sirius is here! I know you imprisoned him!" Harry said, the edge in his voice more clear. The Death Eaters laughed again, louder.

"It is time you learn the difference between a dream and reality, Potter," Malfoy said. Sirius wasn't here. Voldemort had fooled Harry and we had fallen right in his trap. "Give me the prophecy or we'll have to use our wands."

"Go on," Harry said and rose his wand, the rest of us immediately following suit. They didn't attack and Malfoy spoke up again.

"Give it to me and no one will get hurt."

Harry laughed. "Right, of course. I give you this... prophecy and you let us go home safely, is that it?"

"Accio pro-"

Harry and I shouted 'protego' and the sphere slipped to the end of Harry's fingers.

"Oh but the little Potter's know how to play," she said, her eyes shone dangerously and I gave her a sarcastic smile.

Malfoy screamed at her. "I told you not to do that! If the sphere breaks..."

Bellatrix walked towards us and took off her mask. Her traits were hollowed by prison by a dangerous aura surrounded her. Fanatic. "You probably need more convincing arguments." She turned to one of her fellow Death Eaters. "Take the small one. I'll torture her in front of him."

We all surrounded Ginny and I glared at the Death Eater charged with the job of taking her from us.

"If you attack one of us, you'll have to break the sphere," Harry said. "I'm not sure your boss would be too found of that." He was met with silence. "By the way, what kind of prophecy is it?" 

Of course he kept talking to buy us time. I tried thinking of a way to get out. The best I could think of at the moment was just... putting them on fire. Maybe I was spending too much time with Theo and Seamus. 

Can it be?  | Pansy ParkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now