XLV- Crucial prank

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Anna's POV

We had planned everything. Ginny, Luna and Neville had joined in on our little plan and now it was time to pass in action. Neville went to knock on Umbridge's door and informed her that Peeves was causing some trouble upstairs so she ran out. Harry sneaked in with the Invisibility cloak and let Hermione and Ron come in with him. Luna and Ginny were at each end of the hallway, telling everyone that one of the Twins smelly bombs had exploded there. Neville and I each join one of them and we kept everyone at bay. Every now and then I would glance back to see if the door would open. They had been in there for a few minutes and my heart was racing. we couldn't keep everyone out for too long.

"Miss Weasley and Miss Potter!" Umbridge called and I felt my blood run cold. "I must go back to my office this instant, so move out of the way."

"I'm sorry Professor, we can't,"I said simply.

"Headmistress. I am your headmistress, miss Potter. So you will let me pass, now."

"A bomb exploded in there, headmistress, we can't let you go there. You'll end up asphyxiated."

"I do not appreciate your insolence Miss Weasley!" She turned back and I finally noticed the Inquisitor Squad that had arrived.


One of them grabbed me and another grabbed Ginny and Malfoy took away our wands quickly.

"Let us go, you little shits!" I said loudly, desperately trying to let the others know Umbridge was coming.

Few "Inquisitors" ran at the end of the hallway and got Luna and Neville with them.

"But- what, what about Peeves?" Neville tried.

"That was a nice try boy, but it would have been much better if Argus hadn't already told me where Peeves was," she said, her eyes shining manically with a sense of victory in them, as if she had been waiting for this moment her whole life. Knowing her, it would've been rather probable. 

"Congrats you old bat, you caught us playing a prank on everyone! Are you proud of yourself?" I mocked loudly. She turned her head to me, slowly walked up, maintaining eye contact and she slapped me. 


"Very satisfied, Potter."

She gave me a smile and turned to her door, opening it suddenly. My heart sank as I saw Hermione and Ron still in view while Harry's head was still in the fire. Her squad went to grab my brother's friends as she walked immediately to him and dragged him out of the fire. She made him sit down on a chair while we were held back.

"I knew you were up to something, I knew it! You were trying to contact him, weren't you?" She looked absolutely crazy with her eyes wide in victory.

"Who?" Harry asked, truly confused, though his fear was visible in his eyes.

"Dumbledore! Where is he?"

"I don't know!" Harry defended.

"Liar!" She yelled. "I know you know where he is, Potter. Tell me!"

"I don't know!" 

She slapped him in anger. "Harry!"

"Tell me, Potter."

Before anyone else could speak, Snape opened the door. He looked around the room, his face expressionless. His eyes stopped on Umbridge. "You asked for me, Headmistress?"

"Severus. Yes. I need more Veritaserum."

My head snapped to her. Veritaserum? Wasn't that illegal?

"I'm afraid I don't have any at the moment."

Can it be?  | Pansy ParkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now