X- Cut Short... as always

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Pansy's POV

The days kept passing by, and with Quidditch practices, it was harder and harder to find time to hang out with Anna just the two of us. At least we still spent time with the rest of our friends as well, but balancing everything was hard. Very hard.

"What's got you in such a mood, Pans?" Theo asked me, swallowing a piece of toast.

I put down my fork forcefully. "I'm perfectly fine."

"You haven't eaten anything. Not even your beans and you've barely touched your tea. Which is also your favorite." He gestured at my still full plate and I turned away from him, my eyes falling on Anna.

She seemed to have her hands full of an angry Finnigan that got moodier everytime Ginny Weasley passed by him. He seemed to answer her harshly before brutally getting up and leaving the Great Hall. Anna rubbed the underneath of her eyes, looking more exhausted than ever and she gulped down her cup of what I assumed was pumpkin juice, like every morning. She raised her head again and met my eyes.

Theo kicked my shin and I turned my head to glare at him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"That's what I'm asking you! You just looked away and kept quiet for a whole minute and you still haven't touched your breakfast!"

"I- it doesn't matter."

Arms wrapped themselves around my waist and a chin rested on my shoulder softly. "You haven't eaten breakfast yet, darling?" Anna asked gently and I slumped against her.

I missed having her arms around me and the relief of having her there was nearly enough to bring me to tears. Morgana she'd turned me soft.

"I'm not hungry," I mumbled, closing my eyes to focus on her touch better. I smiled when I felt her kiss my cheek.

"Well, never the matter. Do you want me to pack some away or to buy you something in Hogsmead?"

"We're going?"

"Of course we are. Do you really want to stay on the grounds of school all the time?"

"No, no I guess I don't." I opened my eyes and smiled at her. My heart warmed as she smiled back at me, so much affection in her eyes. "You'll buy me something at Hogsmead then?"

"Of course." She glanced at my side, sat next to me and looked down at my plate. "You should drink your tea, though. You know none of the ones we find in Hogsmead are as good."

I drank my tea, Anna's arm still around my waist as she talked with Theo before the rest of our friends joined us, coats in their arms so we could get going.

"Are you all ready to go?" Luna asked in her dreamy voice. She was adorable, I had never felt such a need to protect someone and just squeeze them in my arms before. I would actually be highly surprised if anyone felt this way about Theo and Blaise, they could be so annoying.

"I'm ready, I should just get my coat," I said with a smile.

"I already have it." Blaise handed it to me, along with my scarf and hat with it. He threw Theo's coat on him, earning half assed protests.

"I took yours too, Star," Neville said as he handed Anna her coat.

Star? I looked at Anna as she smiled so fucking brightly. She was a star. No surprise I gravitated towards her so much. I leaned forward and kissed her cheek, getting a soft, loving smile from her.

"Do you think we could spend some time just the two of us today?" I whispered, not wanting to put her on the spot.

"Yeah, of course darling. Anything you want."

Can it be?  | Pansy ParkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now