III- Old Friends

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Anna's POV

Dumbledore knocked on the door three times and I caught glimpse of a movement in the kitchen window.

"Who's here?" Ms Wealsey asked in a tense voice. "Announce yourself!"

"It's me, Dumbledore. I bring Harry." 

And me. Old man.

The door opened and Ms Wealsey appeared, dressed in a used green dressing gown.

"Harry, my love!" She exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around him before turning to Dumbledore. "Merlin, Albus, you said you wouldn't arrive until tomorrow morning!"

Tomorrow morning?! How long was that man planning to keep me outside, waiting for absolutely nothing. 

"We were lucky. Slughorn accepted much more easily than I hoped," he answered, pushing Harry inside and I followed behind them. "All thanks to Harry, of course. Well, hello Nymphadora."

I immediately looked up at their name and pushed through the two men in front of me. "Tonks!" I exclaimed before throwing my arms around them. "I missed you."

They wrapped their arms around me, putting one hand on my hand softly. "I missed you too, A."

I pulled away and I felt my heart pull at their tired look. They almost looked sick, their hair a simple dull brown. "Are you alright?"

"Don't worry about me, A," they assured before messing up my hair. "I should go. Thank you for the tea and the moral support."

"You don't have to leave because of me," Dumbledore said. "I cannot stay, I have important matter to see with Rufus Scrimgeour."

"No, no, I have to go," Tonks assured, intently avoiding Dumbledore's eyes. "Good night."

"Why don't you come back to eat this weekend? Remus and Moody will be there."

"No, really, Molly. Thank you still. Goodbye everyone."

They exited the house and, after a few steps, disapeared. I was concerned for them, they looked exhausted and it wasn't just the aftermath of the fight at the Ministry.

"Well, I will see you at Hogwarts, Harry. Anna," Dumbledore announced. Wow, first time acknowledging my presence since we arrived. He must have put through ten minutes of that, new record. "Molly."

Dumbledore left the same way Tonks had seconds ago and Ms Weasley closed the door, taking Harry by the shoulders to bring him under the light, sparring me a smile, which I found to be more than enough.

"You're just like Ron, it looks like you were cursed to grow. I swear Ron grew ten centimeters since the last time I bought him robes for school." Yeah Ms Weasley, that's called a growth spurt.  "Are you hungry?"

I was pleased to notice she was also asking me. "Yeah," I answered. I hadn't eaten in the past twelve hours.

"Yes," Harry also said.

We both sat down and she gave us bowls of Onion soup and some bread. I started to eat, zoning out from their conversation as my mind turned to Tonks again. I had never seen them so... dull. I hoped I would be able to see them again before going back to Hogwarts. Merlin onion soup was amazing.

"... I don't know if Ron told you, but Arthur was promoted!" Ms Weasley happily exclaimed.

I noticed Harry nearly choking on his soup in the corner of my eyes before we both said in one voice : "That's amazing!"

I knew Mr. Weasley had worked hard ever since he got into the ministry, he must have been elated to have a promotion. He deserved it.

"Rufus Scrimgeour created new services to help better with the current situations and Arthur was named Head of the Office for the Detection and Confiscation of Counterfeit Defensive Spells and Protective Objects. It's an important post, he has ten people under his orders, now!"

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