XI- Ditched again

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Theo's POV

Blaise, Pansy and I kept growing closer to Anna, whichh surprised me but I didn't mind. She was surprisingly nice. When I saw her alone at the three broomstick on the first Hogsmeade weekend, I had gotten slightly worried. She was usually with Lovegood and Longbottom. Even when she had assured us she was fine, I could see she was slightly disappointed. Her muggle music was amazing though, I had felt a connection to it.

Once Pansy and I said bye, we walked down to our common room, where Blaise soon joined us. He was almost as impassive as usual, but there was an hint of pride in his eyes. I narrowed my eyes at him, while Pansy had her head in my lap and I played with her hair.

"What?" he asked me when he noticed me looking at him.

"What did you do?"

"What do you mean what did I do?"

"You look proud of yourself," I said.

"So? I always am," he shrugged.

"First of, that's a lie. Second of, Theo's right you do look proud," Pansy commented.

"I don't see your point," he denied and crossed his arms.

"What we're saying is, even if you do feel proud, it's almost impossible to see it," I said.

"Even for us! And we've been friends for years now," Pansy added.

"Fine, I am more proud than usual," he admitted.

"Why?" I immediately inquired.

"None of your business," he replied.

"Oh come on," Pansy said.


We rolled our eyes and started a new conversation. Pansy started to fall asleep, so we shook her up and told her to go to bed.

"Good idea," she yawned. "Goodnight boys."

"Night Pans," we answered in sync. We stayed quiet for a while before Blaise broke the silence.

"What do you think of Potter?"

"Which one?"


"Well, Anna's really nice and I find her funny. Her music is amazing too. I'm actually glad to know her," I answered and he nodded. "Potter well... he seems to be kind of a bitch really. And "he looks so stupid with his beautiful green eyes, Saint Potter, so annoying."" I said as an imitation of Draco talking about him making us burst out laughing.

"Stupid Saint Potter, he thinks he's so special." he imitated too.

"Can you believe Pansy used to like him?" I asked.

"Nah mate, it seems so wrong." He shook his head. "I hope whoever she does end up with will be better than him."

"Of course. She deserves the world," I agreed.

The next four days went by fast. I sat with Blaise and Pansy as usual. Anna sent us a smile from her table and we gave one back. I zoned out from Blaise and Pansy's conversation when I saw Anna get up with Longbottom and Lovegood. They told her something and she seemed to pause for a moment before she nodded and sat back down. They both walked out and she stared down in front of her, appearing shocked.

"Theo, you good?" Pansy asked me.

"I am, don't know if Anna is," I answered. 

They both turned around and saw her sitting alone. She stuffed something in her bag and abruptly got up, her jaw clenched. We watched her storm out of the great hall and turned to each other, all of us looking worried.

Can it be?  | Pansy ParkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now