O.W.L.s results

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People speak french in this chapter, I put the traductions at the end of the chapter :)

Anna's POV

Fleur and I walked back to the Burrow, her arms wrapped around mine in friendly affection. She was used to simple touches and I didn't mind having her grabbing my arm. 

"I still can't believe it, I mean, Billy Weasley!"

"I think Molly is trying to make him fall in love with Tonks, she keeps insisting for them to come over," Fleur mentionned with a small smile and I burst out laughing.

"Tonks? Seriously?" She nodded with the same amused smile. "Yes, because the chances of TOnks falling for Billy are so incredibly high. It's obvious they are extremely attracted by man," I said with a serious face before bursting out in laughter with Fleur.

"What's got you two laughing so hard?" Ginny asked when we walked in still trying to calm down.

"Oh nothing," Fleur said calmly, finally calming her laughter which only made me laugh more.

How did Molly Weasley possibly think that Tonks would be interested in her son? They were as gay as people came, a blind man could see it.

"There is no laughing matter, Anna," Granger said in a high pitched voice, stopping her pacing to look at me sternly.

"No? Why? Didn't realize you were the ruler of laughter, Granger," I mentionned, raising an eyebrow at her.

"No need to be rude, Anna," Ms. Weasley reprimanded.

"We're waiting for O.W.L.s results, Anna," Harry said.


Right, those existed.  My stomach turned at the reminder and I suddenly felt like I couldn't breathe quite fully. They had passed in a flash, I couldn't remember anything about how I thought I did. Between the complete focus I had between each, Harry's vision and the battle at the ministry... Would it really be fair if anyone present didn't pass? Hell, we fought Death Eaters at fourteen and fifteen years old, surely exams couldn't decide our futurs for us? What did I need to pass to be a professional Quidditch player again? I couldn't need that much. Anyways, I did well right?

I saw a white rectangle in front of me and looked up to the person holding it. Fleur gave me an encouraging smile as she handed me the letter holding my results, the secrets of my futur. Scholar one. I took a shaky breath and opened it cleanly. Everyone was quiet.

Ordinary Wizarding Level Examinations

Passing Grades                                                                  Falling Grades

Outstanding (O)                                                               Poor (P)

Exceeds Expectations (E)                                             Dreadful (D)

Acceptable (A)                                                                   Troll (T)

Anna Effie Potter has achieved :

Study Of Ancient Runes                                                 E

Astronomy                                                                          E

Care Of Magical Creatures                                           E

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