II - Horace Slughorn

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Anna's POV

Quidditch camp was over now. I packed my bags with an hint of nostalgia as my room got emptier. It had felt good, having a room all for myself and not feeling like I was walking on eggshells. Of course, I wasn't going back to the Dursley's for the rest of the summer, Harry and I would go to the Weasley's, though I would probably spend most of my days at Luna's house. The idea of seeing her and Theo again soon lifted my spirits. I missed those two, they were some of the best people in my life and it had been thirty-three days since I had last seen them.

I walked down the stairs, dragging my suitcase behind me and holding my broom in the other hand. Thank Merlin for the sports. otherwise this exercice would've absolutely killed me as I had been sleeping in one of the highest towers on the camp site. I let go of my suitcase and placed my broom next to it to wait for the person who would pick me up.

"Anna!" William's voice called out and I turned around. "You weren't planning on leaving without saying goodbye, were you?"

"I did have hopes I'd be able to avoid you while still saying bye to Ash but apparently that won't be possible."

Ash snorted at my comment while William looked at me with an offended look.

"So incredibly rude, Anna, what would your mother think?"

"My mum's dead, William," I deadpaned, deeply enjoying the way his face screwed up as he realized his mistake. 

"Shit, I'm sorry Anna, I wasn't thinking and I just said it-"

"Chill, Willie. It's fine, I didn't take it badly. Don't worry your pretty little head about it," I reassured and gave his shoulder a pat.

"Now, now Potter, don't belittle my husband," Ash jokingly disapproved.

"You're right, that is absolutely unacceptable of me." I bowed my head in a mocking apology and Ash laughed.

"You know what?" William started. He rose his hands up as if he was giving up. "I'm actually glad this camp is over now. I'll only have to deal with half of this slander."

Ash drapped their arm over William's shoulders and pulled him closer to them. They pressed a kiss against his temple. "You know I love you, Will."

"Of course I know," he agreed with a slight smile. He looked up at them. "I love you too."

Ash pressed their lips together softly and I half-rolled my eyes. 

"Rude to do this in front of someone who hasn't seen her girlfriend in thirty-three days guys. Way to rub it in my face."

"Relax, you'll see your little girlfriend soon enough," Ash assured me.

I narrowed my eyes at his tone. Did he think I was being dramatic? "Don't mock me when you didn't survive two whole days without William, Ash."

"Alright, alright. You did good surviving thirty-three days without your so amazing girlfriend," Ash said.

"Thank you."

"Who's coming to get you?" William asked, looking around to see if anyone was there yet.

"I... actually don't know. I don't even know at what time they're supposed to get me, so I may be way too early for that, but I wanted to be ready you know?"

"So eager to leave us?"

"Of course not." I looked down and shifted on my feet a little. "I'm actually going to miss you guys," I mumbled.

William wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me in for a tight hug. I buried my face in the crook of his shoulder and let out a shaky breath. As much as I missed everyone, going back to school made me nervous. Of course I still had more time before going, but it was still nearing. People would talk about Sirius, there was going to be a new DADA teacher. Angela had warned me that I might be captain of the Quidditch team since she recommended me. The idea thrilled me but I didn't even know if I would be good. Or if I would be captain.

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