XLVIII- Prophecies ruin lives

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Anna's POV

I heard some more commotion. I didn't know what was happening. I couldn't decipher what anyone was saying. I didn't want to.

Was someone shaking me?

I didn't move.

Someone cupped my face and I heard close voices around me. I wasn't on the floor anymore. They carried me, my head on their shoulder. They whispered something and suddenly it felt like I was being sucked into a hole. We landed somewhere and I got out of their arm in a hurry to throw up.

They held my hair back, a big hand rubbing circles on my back. I blinked and looked up. I was back at Hogwarts. I turned around and saw Remus.

Tears immediately started to run down my face as I threw myself in his arms. We hugged each other tightly and I felt him start crying too.

"He can't be, he can't be gone," I sobbed. "I'm so sorry. I should've stopped Harry, I should've done something."

"No, no, Anna look at me." He pulled away from me, tears in his eyes. "You did everything you could okay? You thought Sirius was in danger. You did everything you could."

I hugged him again. "It's not your fault either," I whispered.

He put his hand on my head softly. "Thank you, Anna."

"Remus? Anna?"

"Poppy! Could you open the door for us?"

I heard the door creak as Poppy opened it.

"Come on, the two of you."

We followed behind her and she led us to the infirmary. She sat us down, quickly looking over our injuries.

"Merlin, you two are in bad shape."

"Worse is to come. Hermione got hurt with some kind of purple flame across her chest, Ron touched a brain in the department of mystery, Ginny's ankle is broken. Luna flew across a room and landed on her back. Harry hit his head."

She paled as I shared the injuries of my friends that I knew about.

"Harry." I straightened. "Where's Harry? I need to see him."


"No. He can't be alone right now. He needs someone, where is he?"

"Miss Potter, you need to stay down," Pomfrey tried.

"No! I need to see my brother, that's what I fucking need!"

"He should be in the Headmaster's office," Poppy admitted lowly. I got up and walked to the exit. "Anna. From the message I received, Dumbledore had the intention to speak to him alone about the events."

"Well he can suck his intentions."

I walked out and walked to his office. I got impatient from walking and started running. I stood in front of the gargoyle and blanked out. What was the password again?

"Look, I don't know the password, but my brother is up there and I need to see him. I need to see Dumbledore too. I don't know if you were told but he's coming back tonight. Umbridge's leaving and Dumbledore's coming back," I ranted. "Please just, open? Please."

I looked down and was surprised when the gargoyle rumbled, turning and opening to way to the stairs. "Thank you."

I rushed up the stairs and tried to open the door but it didn't. I was just about to knock when it opened.

"I had a feeling you might come here," Dumbledore said.

I didn't answer. I spotted Harry, who looked surprised to see me. I rushed forward and engulfed him in a tight hug. He froze a little but wrapped his arms around me too. We hadn't hugged like that since he came back from the second task last year.

Can it be?  | Pansy ParkinsonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu