XXXII- Discovered truth

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Anna's POV

I was sitting with Neville, Dean and Seamus at breakfast when the owls flew in the Great Hall. It was not unusual, far from that, but there seemed to be way more owls than usual.  A whole bunch of them flew towards our table, right in the middle where Harry was sitting with Ron and Hermione. They all let their letters fall in front of him. A letter flew to me and rested on my shoulder. I took the Quibbler from him, giving him a piece of bread before he flew away. I opened the journal and was met with my brothers face. I clenched my jaw as I read the title and Seamus ripped it out of my hands.

"'Harry Potter speaks out at last the truth about He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and the night he saw him return'" he read and laughed. "I mean, I finally believe him with the DA and all."

Neville tensed up next to me as Seamus mentioned the little group and Dean jabbed him in the ribs, whispering a "dude". 

"You can stop walking on eggshells, I know about your little group," I mentioned as I turned my head to my brother. "You might just want to avoid mentioning it again, wouldn't want unwanted ears to hear about it, would you?"

Harry stood up and walked towards the doors as Luna left. He ran slightly to catch up to her, Granger and Weasley following him. I stood up and walk to him, ignoring my friends. Many people had the Quibbler in their hands, more than ever, from all houses. Some Slytherins had given him dirty looks after reading it, I guessed he had given some names. I grabbed Harry's collar and pulled him back so he was facing me.

"What the fuck were you thinking?!"


"It was my idea," Granger spoke beside us and I sent her a side glare.

"It was the right thing to do," Harry said.

"Do you realize how much trouble this can put you in? Wanna bet how many of those letters you received are not so kind put also fucking enchanted?" I let go of him and backed off slightly. "This can backfire awfully, Harry."

"We'll be here if it does," Granger spoke again.

"I'm not talking to you, Granger!" I snapped. "You have to understand Harry. I know it was the right thing to do, but you just went directly against the ministry even if it might not have been your intention. You named people, parents, family of multiple students here. Umbridge is a fucking envoy of the minister to keep all of us 'in line'."

"I had  to do it Anna. I'm tired of hiding the truth."

"Fine. But don't think that because Seeker wrote that fucking article everyone is going to believe you. And don't think you're going to be the only one having to deal with the consequences either. And be careful with your little rebellion," I smiled bitterly. "Can't have you get caught building what the Minister will see as an army to take him down."

I brushed passed Luna, trying to give her a smile, but I doubted my success in doing so. I walked to my dorm and grabbed my books for History of Magic. Sure I hated the class and barely ever took notes, but the subject actually interested me. I just preferred to learn on my own. It was much more entertaining than listening to Binns talk for an hour and a half. I arrived early and sat down at my usual desk. People started to walk in and Neville seemed weary on sitting next to me. As Binns appeared, I rolled up my sleeve and put out my arm to Neville. He looked at me with big eyes and I gave him a small smile.

Was I hurt he and Luna hadn't told me about the so-called DA? Yes. Was I also mad at them? Yes. Did I understand why they didn't tell me? I did. I wasn't going to be a bitch to them about it. Sure I wouldn't have done the same, but hey, we're all different and that's what makes us better isn't it?

I didn't sleep during class, though I did not listen either. I just let myself enjoy the trace of the pen on my arm as Neville drew. Surprisingly enough, my head was quiet, empty. It felt good at the moment. I focused back on my surroundings as class ended. I took my bag, not having to gather anything as everything stayed in it. Neville and I walked to Luna's class and waited a few minutes before she walked out, during which I admired the doodles on my arm.

"Anna!" She exclaimed, seeming both surprised and relieved to see me. "I'm really sorry about this morning, and what you said and I just-"

"Luna," I interrupted, "It's okay. I get why you didn't say anything and I know -I hope- it's not because you don't trust me."

"Of course we do! I just didn't know what had happened or if you had chosen not to be part of it- It was hard." Neville nodded at Luna's words, both of them looking sheepish and I smiled at them. A real smile.

"You two are my best friends since second year. This thing isn't going to change it okay?" I threw my arms around their neck, standing between them. "Now, let's get going. You have charms next, right?"

Luna nodded and I started walking us to her class. I enjoyed being with them. We didn't talk that much, we had nothing to say, but it didn't make things awkward. We could be in silence together and it was the most priceless thing for me. I didn't always know how to express my feelings, I didn't know how to put them in words. I had trouble even living them, so you can imagine having to explain them. Luna was the good one with words. She knew how to explain how she felt, and could even explain how you felt. Neville just had trouble talking about it, but he expressed himself well. They'd been my friends since we met and I couldn't be more grateful for them.

Sorry it took so long to update and about the rushed chapter, things keep happening lately haha
Hope you enjoyed the chapter <3

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