IX - Quidditch Tryouts

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Anna's POV

The weeks passed by and the work multiplied. Every time spent with my friends was dedicated to homeworks and studying, along with many, many trials to perfect nonverbal spells under the sweet and not so patient supervision of Pansy. Blaise had succeeded three times now, Theo once while Neville and I still hadn't. I was convinced it was some pureblood trick and told them so but Neville had the grace of reminding me he was also a pureblood. Maybe it was just purebloods with shit parents, the three of them fell in that category. 

At least I stayed in my comfortable understanding in Transfiguration, which was still my easiest class. I was able to help Blaise and Pansy with it from time to time, filling some of the instructions they had missed for them. I stayed grateful to have them help me in Potions, though it was really an exchange between the three of us. I didn't understand how Harry was top of class now, but it did bring some sort of satisfaction.

We were all sitting together under our tree outside, taking a break of studying before I had to attend Quidditch tryouts. Pansy had her head on my shoulder and her hand between mine.

"I'm worried for Hannah," Neville said. He was pulling at the grass and wore a frown since he came back from herbology yesterday. Blaise put an arm around his shoulders and he leaned against him.

"It's not easy to lose your mother." Theo's face was closed off as he spoke. He didn't move at all, not even fidgeting with his hands.

"No, it isn't," Luna agreed quietly, hugging Theo's arm in support and to comfort herself too. 

I rested my head against the tree and closed my eyes. My heart felt too heavy and too big for the war, for my chest. I wasn't sure if the almost absence of it in Hogwarts made it better or worse.

"Did you hear that Stan Rocade was arrested?" Pansy wondered. "I find it hard to believe he would've been recruited."

"I think he's a stupid man that lies about too much too seem important and that got him in trouble. He pretended to be the minister once, of course he pretended to know about Death Eater activity." I had felt sick when I read the article this morning. He had gotten Harry and I out of Privet Drive in third year, even with his odd attitude I couldn't imagine him working for Voldemort. 

"I heard some parents want to get their kids out of Hogwarts," Neville mentionned, brows furrowed in worry and perhaps something else I couldn't, and didn't want to, figure out. 

Parvati had cried in mine and Lavender's arms about it yesterday, worried her parents actually would take her out. Lavender had broken down with her and I had fought very hard to keep my tears from falling. 

I straightened up and grabbed my things. "I have to go, I'll see you guys later." I kissed the top of Pansy's head and walked towards the Quidditch pit.

I arrived and smiled when I saw Katie Bell there, along with Ginny.

"Hey girls."

"Hey Anna! Feel ready for the tryouts?" Katie asked as she pulled off her shirt to change in her Quidditch attire.

"Always. If the three of us aren't taken I'll hunt Harry down." They laughed and I smiled at them conspiratorially. "Shouldn't be too hard."

"You think I'll be taken?" Ginny asked.

"You're trying out for Chaser right?" She nodded. "Yeah, I was thinking about it last year, I think you'll be a great chaser. Plus we played together this summer, you know you're great."

We walked out on the pit and I looked at the literal crowd  there was. Why the fuck were there so many people there? Were those hufflepuffs??

Harry arrived and was immediately ambushed by a guy.

Can it be?  | Pansy ParkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now