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TW: there will be mentions of abuse, suicide attemps, fighting, maybe use of drugs, as well as cuss words in this story.

~ Just a little setting on Anna's personality and all that.

First year

Anna watched in awe as she saw the castle where she would stay most of the year. She turned to her brother, wide smiles on both their faces. Even if Hogwarts itself was amazing, Anna was more relieved that she would be away from the Dursley.

She walked in the great hall along the other first years. She heard the bushy haired girl talk about how the ceiling was fake. She was happily surprised hearing the Hat sing. She loved how she could learn about the houses caracteristics while listening to a song, she did always like music. When Draco Malfoy was sorted in Slytherin, she heard Ron Weasley, the guy she and her brother had sat with in the train, tell Harry that there wasn't one person who turned bad who hadn't been sorted in Slytherin. Anna also heard people booing at the eleven years old kids when they were sorted in Slytherin and she frowned. Surely not every Slytherin were bad?

No matter how much she believed not every Slytherin was bad, she felt relieved when she was sorted in Gryffindor along with her brother, altought the Hat had almost put her in Hufflepuff. She didn't really care, she was just glad to be with her brother. She had always been with him, she couldn't imagine being separated from him.

But Anna was wrong. Even in the same house as her brother, they drifted appart. Harry got closer to Ron, who soon became his best friend along with Hermione after Halloween. Even if she was happy for him, she felt a little lonely having a harder time to make friends. She was too going to try out for Quidditch, much to her dismay, but she was set on trying out the next year.

Harry saved the day with Ron and Hermione, while Anna had known nothing about her brother's activities. They went back home together, where they spent an horrible summer. Anna couldn't quite believe it was possible, but the Dursley were now worse. The only thing keeping them away was them not knowing we couldn't use magic outside of school. Anna used her wand to keep them as much as possible, but aunt Petunia or uncle Vernon's hand would always find a way at least to her cheek.

Second year

An house elf had come to visit the Potter twins, warning Harry that he could not go back to school for it would be dangerous. Anna couldn't quite understand how it wasn't dangerous for her, but she didn't really care. However, when Harry refused to not go back and Dobby dropped a cake on the Dursley's guests' heads, Anna cared. She knew they were in trouble. But she felt her heart drop when a letter from the Ministry of Magic came as a warning they couldn't use magic outside of school in front of the Dursleys. Feeling sick, Anna realized she couldn't keep them away with her wand anymore.

She was more than happy to see the Weasley twins and Ron at their window. Even if she felt bad they had gotten in trouble with Ms. Weasley because of their help, she was extremely happy to leave. After the incident with Dobby and the guests, Vernon was furious and had decided she would pay the consequences.

On the train to Hogwarts, Anna sat with a lovely first, Luna Lovegood. She was an interesting person and Anna felt at ease with her. She had a calm aura around her and Anna could even say she felt safe.

She despised Lockart, he was a weird man. She didn't like how much he talked about himself and how pretentious he was. Even if she didn't like Snape, she was happy to see him beat him in a dual. She was confused when people looked at her brother in fear when he had told the snake to stop, but she soon realized it was a language associated with evil. She presumed it was another stupid bia from the wizards, who seemed to dislike everything they didn't understand. She quickly learned to hear the difference between Parseltongue and english, wanting to stay safe from people's judgement.

Anna had been sitting under a tree with Luna and Neville, her two best friends, when she heard some Hufflepuffs talking badly about her brother. When Justin said her brother was the next Dark Lord, she felt rage filling her body and went up to him. When he repeated his statement in her face, she punched him in the nose. The two started fighting, Anna was violent in her hits. An Hufflepuff prefect had gotten her off Justin. They were both bruised up, but Justin had clearly lost.

The prefect had tugged her somewhere else as Justin's friends got him to Madam Pomfrey. He asked her to explain what had happened and gave her detention after her explanation.

"No matter how much I think it's fair, I can't let someone go off with fighting like that," he had explained to her. "I'm Cedric." He extended his hand towards her and agreed for the date of Anna's detention. Cedric walked off and Anna starred at her bloodied hands.

She had been in control. She had won. I can fight back. That was what was running trought her mind. She could fight back. A sense of hope and satisfaction filled her. I won't be powerless anymore. The tought brought a smile to her face and she walked off.

That year, she tried out for Chaser in the Gryffindor Quidditch team. She had as much talent for flying as Harry and she soon got the position.

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