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“I am excited!” Daniella clapped her hands as the crew member put the presents on the table in front of her.

Any idea who your secret santa is?”

“Not at all,” Daniella let out a laugh. “But I am sure I will be able to guess correctly once I open the presents.”

She picked up the first box and shook it, trying to get a hint what is inside.

“I like the gift paper, its very christmisy,” she ripped open the paper, revealing a new set of headphone.

Her smile got bigger as she opened the box and took out the headphone to admire.

“I love it,” she put it around her neck. “You know it’s crazy, I always forget my headphone and charger at home and almost every race weekend I end up borrowing from Max…it annoys him a lot,” she giggled.

What do you think is in the next box?

“Let’s find out,” Daniella smiled at the camera before opening the next box. “But I think I have a pretty good idea who my secret santa is.”

Daniella laughed once she realized what is in the next box, a phone charger.

“I knew it,” she shook her head as she let out a laugh. “Max Emilian Verstappen is my secret santa.”

“He told us to give you this as well,” the crew member handed her an envelope.

Daniella opened the envelope and pulled out the note inside.

Can you read it?”

“I am not happy that you are leaving RedBull but at least you won’t borrow my things anymore and not return them,” Daniella read it out loud making the filming crew laugh. “Hope you liked your presents, your secret santa.”

Daniella fondly smiled as she put down the note. “Aww…now I feel bad. I am going to miss him.”


“Your secret santa went a little overboard,” the cameraman told Lando as the crew member handed him his gifts.

“Oh no..” Lando nervously laughed as he looked at the presents. “Its Ella…its definitely Ella,” he told the camera. “Only she knows how to go overboard with presents.”

You can open them now.”

Lando nervously picked the first present, worried that it might contain something embarrassing. But his nervousness was soon replaced by disbelief and laugh as he unwrapped the present and took out the Quadrant merchandises from it.

“She is gifting my own merch to me,” he tried to contain his laughter as he showed the camera the merchandise. “I will just gift this back to her on Christmas.”

He opened the next one and immediately his face turned slightly red. “I hate her,” he tried not to smile and act disappointed. “A globe…really Ella?”

Do you think she gave it to you because you are bad at geography?”

“Oh definitely,” Lando smugly replied, pretending like it’s something to be proud off. He took out the globe and gave it a whirl before putting it down on the table.

“The next one better be a nice present,” he mumbled. But he was wrong and once again his face turned red when he unwrapped the present. It was a blanket with his sleeping face printed on it.

The crew laughed.

“Yeah we are no longer friends,” he joked as he wrapped the blanket around him but soon took it off as the weather was warm.

“It’s the last one,” he picked up the last present, it was small in size compared to the others. “This one better not be embarrassing Ellie or else I won’t congratulate you when you win the championship.”

He sighed in relief when he realize what in the next present. He pulled out the watch and showed it off before putting it on around his wrist.

Are you happy with your last present?”

“Very happy,” he smiled

What about the rest of the presents?”

“These will be nicely wrapped and I will be gift them to Daniella on Christmas.”


“You have not one but two secret santas this year,” the cameraman told Max as he was about to leave after opening his present from Daniel.

“Two?” Max questioned, looking a bit confused. “Who is the other one?”

That’s for you to guess.”

Max watched curiously as the crew member carefully took away the cheesecake that Daniel gifted him and put a large present on the table.

“Wow!” he examine the gift.

He carefully ripped the paper, revealing a travel bag and he immediately figured out who it was from.

“It’s from Dani,” he smiled at the camera. “Months ago…I think after the Austrian grand prix she went shopping and brought a lot of stuff and didn’t have any space in her luggage to put it in and she tricked me into giving her my bag….I never saw it again until now,” he laughed.

Do you want to check if there is anything inside the bag?”

Max curiously unzipped the bag, finding a framed photo of him and Daniella celebrating one of their many double podium.

“I am going to miss her,” he gave a sad smile as he picked up the photo and looked at it, remembering the day it was taken. He chuckled when he noticed ‘best teammates’ written at the bottom of the photo.

How do you feel about not having Daniella as your teammate next season?”

“It sucks honestly, and I am going to miss her a lot. Obviously I will see her every race weekend but it’s not going to be the same.”


A/N: Thoughts on this chapter?

Anyone else feels bad for Max for losing another teammate?

Dani x Lando or Dani x Max?

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