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Its race weekend and Daniella’s 22nd birthday. The excitement inside her was radiating and everyone could see that. Her father and younger sister are finally going to come see her race as an F1 driver and she is determined to score a good result.

Daniella was on her phone scrolling through the photos her elder sister sent her when Max came over and sat beside her. “What are you doing?”

“Trying to choose my maid of honor dress for my sister’s wedding.,” she replied showing him the phone.

“So umm…Lando wanted me to discreetly find out if you want a vanilla cake or chocolate cake…cause both are your favorites and he is not sure which one to get.” Max explained.

“You are not being discreet at all,” Daniella laughed.

“I know, I suck at this,” Max’s phone range and he showed her the screen. “This is the fourth time he is calling me. He has been nagging me since morning to find out about the cake.”

“I will think about it and let you know,” Daniella teased her teammate.

“No no no,” Max begged. “Tell me the answer now so that he stops calling me.”

She took a few seconds, pretending to think as the phone kept on ringing.

“You are evil,” Max commented.

“Vanilla,” she replied, putting Max out of misery.

“Thank god see you at qualy” he answered the phone before walking away.


“Happy Birthday,” Myra wishes cheerfully as she hugged the birthday girl.

Daniella smiled and thanked her.

“What is all this?” she looked around, a couple of cameraman following her.

“The want to film for a youtube video,” Myra explained. “Come on we are late.”

“Late for what?” Daniella asked as Myra just grabbed her hand and dragged her to the RedBull hospitality.

As soon as Daniella stepped in everyone started singing her happy birthday and clapping. There was a big cake on the table with a candle on top of it.

She smiled brightly as she thanked everyone.

Nate handed her the knife to cut the cake and Myra started taking pictures.

“Make a wish.”

Daniella happily blow out the candle a cut the cake as Max blow up the confetti. She offered the first piece of cake to Nate and Myra.

Max tried to smash his piece of cake on Daniella’s face but instead failed miserably, she was quick to counter it and he ended with cake frosting on his face which served as a great laugh for everyone.


“You guys made it,” Daniella hugged her father and sister.

“Well we would have been here sooner but someone misplaced her VIP pass and took a long time to find it,” David glared at his youngest daughter.

“I didn’t misplace it,” Collins defended make her sister laugh. “I just for where I put it…luckily mom found it.”

Daniella took her father and sister to the hospitality area and offered some refreshments and cake.

“Look at you, all grown up,” David admired his daughter. He reached to his pocket and pulled out an envelope. “I didn’t know what to get you for your birthday cause you already have everything thing you need ..”

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