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“Sorry I am late,” Daniella apologized to the reporters and Lewis who arrived five minutes before her. She has been paired with the reigning champion for the pre race media day.

“Tried to run away from media duties again?” Lewis joked as he gave her a quick hug.

“Key word-tried,” Daniella joked back. “Myra found and dragged me here.”

Lewis laughed as both took their seat and adjusted to mics. The reporters on the room waiting to fire their questions.

“First question to Daniella, how was your summer break?”

“It was pretty amazing, spent a lot of time with friends and family,” she replied.

“You are now leading the championship, do you think you can keep that position for the second half of the season?”

“Umm I don’t know,” she smiled and looked at Lewis. “I am going to try but the competition is very tough this year. Both Max and Lewis are exceptional drivers so yeah…it will be tough but I am going to do my best.”

“So Lewis,” the report turned his attention to the seven time world champion. “We know you expected competition from Max but what about Daniella?”

“She can out of nowhere,” Lewis joked looking at Daniella who playfully rolled her eyes. “Since the first race I knew Max is going to be a tough competition but I never expected her to do so well in her first season and take the lead. Christian must be very happy with his new driver this year.”

“He really is,” Daniella chuckled.

“Umm Dani, we all know Mercedes wanted to sign you for next year but you choose to stay in RedBull. Do you think….”

“You know I was the one who suggested Toto to sign you for next year,” Lewis said to Daniella, cutting off the reporter.

“Really?” Daniella asked, bit taken aback but the news.

“Yeah,” he nodded. “I think you would be amazing in a Mercedes and we would have made a great team.

After the press conference was over both Daniella and Lewis walked out, making small talks and joking.

“He seriously broke the table?”

“Yeah,” Lewis laughed as he took out his phone. “Angela sent me this…the second you crossed the checkered flag Toto broke the table,” he played the video  and passed the phone to Daniella.

“Oh god..” she laughed as she watched the video of Toto Wolff hitting the table and breaking it. “He is even more dramatic than Christian…no offense.”

“None taken.”

“I hope he gets to break more tables because of me,” she said. “Wait…that sounded a little wrong.”

Lewis laughed as he put his phone back in his pocket.

“Hey guys.”

Daniella turned to see her boyfriend joining them.

“Hey man,” Lewis greeted him with a fistbump.

“Umm I need to borrow El,” he said to Lewis. “Its kind of important.”

“Yeah sure.”

“What happened? What did you do?” Daniella asked Lando.

“Just come with me,” he hold her arm.

Daniella waved Lewis goodbye before Lando dragged her away.

“What happened Lando?”

“Nothing,” he moved his arm around her shoulders. “I just missed you.”

Daniella smiled and looked to see no one was around, she quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I missed you too.”


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