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After Daniella and Lando arrived home and finally freshened up they got ready to have the serious discussion. They are both very aware what will happen if more people finds out about their relationship, and both are a little scared by it.

“We know that Daniel won’t tell anyone,” Lando started. Not the best start, but he is not sure what to say it first.

“Unless both him and Max gets drunk together and he spills everything,” Daniella rolled her eyes.

Lando nodded. He has witnessed those two at completely drunk state, the drunk version of them don’t like to keep secrets from eachother.

“And Pierre also suspect that I am dating a driver…” Daniella said in a cautious tone.

Lando immediately stiffened up at the mention of Pierre’s name.

“We talked at the dinner party,” she continued. “He was sort of implying that he would like to…that wants to give…”

“He tried to ask you out again?” Lando was getting annoyed and angry.

Daniella nodded. “But before he could even say anything I told him I am dating someone.”

“If you were not with me would you have agreed to date him again?” Lando asked.

“What kind of question is this?” Daniella snapped. “I am with you, I love you, and you want to know if I will date him if you were not my boyfriend?”

“It’s a simple question,” he shrugged, making his girl friend angry. “I have seen the way he looks at you…”

“If you make me angry I will give you the wrong answer and you are not going to like it.”

“So the answer is…” Lando thought for a few seconds.

“The answer is you will sleep on the couch or with Max tonight.”

Daniella handed him his pillow.

“You can’t be serious,” Lando let out a nervous laugh.

“Do I look like I am joking?”


Lando tried sleeping on the couch but it was not as comfortable as the bed where his girlfriend is sleeping alone. He they pushed Max to the side of his bed so that he can sleep there but once again he failed to fall asleep, instead he keep taking turns and disrupting his friend’s sleep.

“You are an annoying idiot, you know that?” Max scolded his friend. “Who ask these kind of unnecessary questions?”

“It was just a question,” Lando mumbled, slowly realizing his mistake.

“She is with you, she tolerates with your stupidity, what more do you want?” Max asked. “You want her to become a nun or something?”

Lando didn’t say anything as guilt overtook him. Max is right, he is an idiot.


Daniella was not able to sleep either. This is the first fight they had as a couple. Even though she blames Lando for the fight she also feels responsible. Maybe she shouldn’t have mentioned Pierre or what he said.

She wiped out the single tear that rolled down her face. She hates fighting, especially with Lando. And she hates crying.

Suddenly the door to her room opened and recognized the familiar footsteps coming towards the bed.

She didn’t bother to switch on the light or to turn around.

Lando got in the bed and wrapped his arm around his girlfriend. He got closer, her back now pressed against him.

“I am sorry,” he whispered, placing a kiss on her wet cheek. “I am really sorry. I got jealous and don’t know what came over me.”

“I would never choose anyone over you,” Daniella said softly as she turned to look at him.

“I know,” he kissed her. “But you are so beautiful and amazing…sometimes I feel like I am not good enough.

“Then you are an idiot,”

“I realize that now,” he said sincerely. “

“I love you Lando,” Daniella gently touched his cheek. “Only you. So please don’t worry about some other guy. I will always choose you.”

“I love you too…very very much.”


A/N: Their first fight. Thankfully it didn't escalate more.

I think Pierre should make more appearances

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