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“How did the meeting with Toto go?” Lando asked as he pulled Daniella towards him and she sat on his lap.

“It was…interesting,” Daniella replied as she rested her head on Lando's shoulder

Since coming back from Austin she has been on many meetings with Toto and Lewis. She now regrets not accepting Mercedes offer before and signing with Red Bull.

“Interesting as in?” Lando asked.

“I am not allowed to say anything Lando,” Daniella smirked as she kissed his cheek.

Lando pouted as be wrapped his arms around her. “If what I am thinking is actually going to happen then Christian is not going to be happy.”

“I know, but he has only himself to blame.”

“And Max is going to miss you.”

“He is used to getting a new teammate every year.”


“No,” Daniella tried to pull her arm from Lando's grip. “Let me sleep.”

“You promised,” Lando tried to drag Daniella out of the bed. “El..don’t make me tickle you.”

Daniella kicked him and managed to release her arm from his grip.

“Come on Ellie,” Lando tried to hold her arm again but she was quick to turn to the other side. “It will only take an hour to film the video.”

Many weeks ago Lando asked Daniella if she going to be on a quadrant video and she agreed then. But Lando forgot to tell her when they were going to film and now he has to drag his girlfriend out of bed to get her in the video.

“I am sleepy Lando,” Daniella groaned as she hugged her pillow. “Just because you can function with being sleep deprived doesn’t mean I can do the same.”

“What? I am not sleep deprived,” he argued as he jumped on the bed. “I just don’t sleep enough sometimes.”

Daniella didn’t look at him, her eyes were closed and was hugging the pillow tightly.

“Daniella,” he said lovingly as he stroke her hair.

“Don’t call me that,” she snapped. “You never call me by my full name.”

“Okay,” he smiled as Daniella was trying not to open her eyes and look at him. “Dani..”

“Don’t call me that,” she hit his leg, feeling annoyed as he never calls her Daniella or Dani.

“I you don’t get up then I am going to continue calling you by your full name, Daniella.”

“Is that a challenge?” Daniella opened her eyes and turned to look at Lando, who was only an inch away from her.

“Umm.. No, not at all,” Lando stuttered. He knows how stubborn Daniella is and if she sets her mind then there is nothing that could budge for from the bed.

“That’s what I thought,” she gave him a quick kiss before closing her eyes again.

Lando looked at her for a few seconds before giving up.

“Oh what the hell,” he pulled up the covers. “Filming can wait.”

Daniella smiled as he lied down next to her. They pulled each other closer and Lando kissed her forehead before closing his eyes.


Max glared at the couple as the came down stairs.

Lando immediately pulled Daniella in front of him as Max stood up from the couch.

“I waited for forty five minutes,” he said calmly but looked annoyed. “You said we will be filming and made me cancel all my other plans and then made me wait for forty five minutes.”

“Its all her fault,” Lando pointed at Daniella who was somewhat confused.

“What…” She looked at Lando and then back at Max.

“I called both your names but no one replied,” Max explained. “Then I thought something might have happened and I went upstairs to check and what do I find…you two cuddling and sleep.”

“It was completely my fault Max,” Daniella explained.

Lando nodded his head, while Max rolled his eyes.

“But it was a good nap,” Lando smiled and Daniella agreed.

“You two are cute but annoying as hell,” Max said, pointing at the couple. “Actually forget I said cute…you two are just annoying.”

“Sorry,” Daniella apologized as Lando tried to hold his laugh.

“Whatever,” Max rolled his eyes. “I leaving now.”

“But I thought we would film the video now, “ Lando said.

Max took a deep breath as he got frustrated.

“Or we can film is some other day,” Daniella suggested.

“No, no,” Max shook his head. “I am sure I would have to wait for another forty five minutes if we reschedule…so let’s get this over with today itself.”


A/N: Lando is brave enough to punch Pierre, but hides behind Dani so Max can't get him.

Do you think Lando and Dani can survive in a long distance relationship?

I am debating whether to start a Lewis or Max or Pierre book next

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