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A smile appeared on Daniella’s face as she felt the familiar presence behind her. A pair of arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer.

Lando rested his chin on her shoulder as they looked at beautiful sunset.

They have been to many vacations before but this is their first one as a couple. Even though their friends were with them they managed to have a lot of fun.

“Maybe we should stay here forever,” Lando chuckled as he gently kissed her neck.

“Forever on this yacht?” Daniella questioned, slightly turning her hear to see their friends on the other side of the yacht following around and taking photos.

“Well, without them,” Lando continued. “Just you and me on this yacht forever.”

“That sounds like a beautiful dream,” she said before turning and kissing him.

“Oh come on!” Max yelled from the other side. “We don’t want to see that.” Everyone else laughed and booed.

The couple stopped kissing and smiled. Lando gave them the finger before returning his attention to Daniella.

“Ignore them,” Daniella laughed and kissed him again.


Max was panicking and trying to ignore Daniella and Lando at all cost. He accidentally posted a glimpse of the couple in one of his instagram video. He deleted it as soon as he realized but it was already too late. Even though their video only caught their backs it is obvious that the guy was Lando, but everyone is going crazy about the mystery girl, some even suspecting the right person.

“You idiot,” Lando scolded making Max jump. “See what you did,” he showed him the phone, the video is trending.

“I know and I am really sorry,” Max apologized. “But you too look so cute,” he tried to ease his friend.

Daniella joined in, looking confused. Lando looks like he is about to hit Max, and Max looks like his life is about to be over. “What is going on?”

“Look what he did,” Lando handed her the phone.

“What?” she looked confused. “This is just some couple who is…oh my god that’s us.”

“It was an honest mistake Dani,” Max said. “I deleted it as soon as I realized.”

Daniella zoomed in and watched it for a few seconds. “No one can tell its me,” she shrugged and handed the phone back to Lando.

“But they can tell its me,” Lando argued, slightly pouting.

“Maybe I should go,” Max tried to left.


“Let him go,” Daniella said softly. “He posted it accidentally. Besides, we are late for dinner.”

Max nodded, looking guilty.

“Fine,” Lando groaned as he put his phone in the pocket.

Max didn’t waste anytime and left to join his friends.

“You are not mad?” Lando asked.

“Little bit worried, but not mad,” Daniella replied. “We are together almost all the time, these kind of things are bound to happen.”

Lando nodded, calming down a little. He placed a kiss on her lips and rested his hand on her waist. “I am just worried if people finds out it will effect our relationship. I love what we have now and I don’t want it to change.”

“Nothing will change,” she kissed him, wrapping her arms around him. “I promise.”

They stayed like this for a few more seconds before they got a call asking whether they were going for dinner or not.

“I don’t want to go now,” Lando pouted.

“Everyone is waiting for us,” Daniella hold his hand and started walking. “We will finish early and come back, okay?”



A/N: I don't think I will do any social media posts in this book anymore. I am just too lazy to find a required photo and write all the comments.

Also one of my friends said she ships Dani with Lewis which I found it weird at first since I haven't even wrote a single scene about them but now I really want to write about them.

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