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It took a few days for both Lando and Daniella to get over the last race. But they knows the pressure is still there, for Lando to get his first win and for Daniella to perform better than Lewis and Max.

Instead of feeling sad Lando has made himself busy with the upcoming launch of his kart and Daniella has been spending hours on the simulator.

“You are being too hard on yourself,” Lando said tiredly as he kissed Daniella’s forehead.

“Oh look, its the kettle calling the pot black,” Daniella rolled her eyes.

Lando chuckled as he sat on the couch and pulled Daniella with him.

“I am exhausted,” Daniella rested her head on Lando’s shoulder. “Both mentally and physically.”

“Me too,” he mumbled, his hand started stroking Daniella’s hair. “Even if you are doing better than half of the grid its not enough.”

“Christian is now favouring Max to with the championship.”

“Zac put me on time out after I threw a tantrum that day.”


“Hey there.”

Daniella smiled as Lewis approached her.

She was invited to a fashion show in Paris which she almost declined. But once Lewis found out he convinced her to go.

They hugged each other.

“For you,” Lewis was holding a rose which he gave to her.

“Where did you get this?” Daniella laughed.

“Just picked it up from a vase out there,” he shrugged. “Come on, lets take our seats.”

“I am only here because of you,” Daniella sat down next to Lewis. “If I get bored I am blaming you.”

“You won’t get bored, I promise,” Lewis smiled. “Besides I think it is a nice way to distract yourself from racing.”

“I am not sure if it will work.”

“It will, trust me,” Lewis pulled out his phone as he started taking pictures of the venue. “I am speaking from experience. You need to involve yourself in other activities otherwise racing will consume you and at one point it will start effecting you, and not in a good way.”

Daniella lightly hit his hand with the rose. “Thank you.”

The show started and both drivers enjoyed it, in between Lewis would explain Daniella somethings about the outfit and how he can’t wait to try some of those clothing.

Lewis was right, it surely help Daniella distract herself from racing for a little while.

While she was having a good time Christian was going crazy. Once again photos of both Mercedes and RedBull drivers went viral.


A/N: What do you think of Lewis and Dani?

Do you think Lewis is just being nice or is there any other motive?

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