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Daniella smiled as she felt gentle kisses trailing down her neck. She slowly opened her eyes to find Lando smiling down at her.

“You should wake me up like this every morning,” she gently ran her hands through his messy curls before wrapping her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss.

As the kiss deepened Lando's hands explored Daniella’s body beneath the tshirt that she was wearing which was obviously his. They broke the kiss for a second to catch their breath and Lando took the opportunity to swiftly take off her tshirt.

“Now this is the view I never get tired of,’ he smirked as he looked down at her.

Daniella slightly blushed as Lando gently caressed her cheek, then slowly moving down her neck and chest, once again reminding her how his touch effects her body.

He too took of his shirt before once again kissing her as their naked body pressed against each other.

They were supposed to meet their friends for breakfast but needless to say it completely slipped their mind as they occupied making love to each other.


“Lift up the collar of your shirt,” Daniella hissed at her boyfriend.

“I don’t think its that visible,” Lando looked at the mirror walls of the elevator. “Oh..its visible. You really love to leaves marks on me, don’t you?” smirked at his girlfriend.

She gently hit him before lifting up his shirt collar.

“You left marks on me to Lan,” she replied as she made sure his neck is covered properly.

“Yeah but mine her not on your neck where everyone can see, Ella, they are on…”

“Okay okay, I know where the marks are,” she stopped him as her face turned slightly red.

“You are so cute when you get shy,” Lando smiled as he pulled her for a kiss.

And just that second the elevator door opened.


The couple quickly pushed each other away as they looked at the open door, their eyes went wide and both fear and shock flashed across their face.

“I KNEW IT!” Esteban said once again. He looks so happy as if he won another race.

“This…this is not what it looks like,” Lando stuttered.

“Yeah…we..we don’t even like each other,” Daniella added.

“Oh I know what it exactly look like,” Esteban brightly smiled. “You two are together, YES! I was right and Lance was wrong.”


“I won the bet,” Esteban said in disbelief as his smile got bigger.

“What bet?...oh that bet,” Daniella suddenly remembered the bet Mick told her about that he has with Esteban and Lance.

“I need to find Lance and get my payment before Mick finds out about you two.”

Daniella and Lando shared a nervous look.

“Esteban..listen,” Daniella tried to stop him but it was too late. He already made a run to find his friend.

Daniella didn’t waste about second as she ran after him, hoping she could get to him on time and stop him from telling everyone about her and Lando.

Lando quickly stepped out of the elevator and look at the direction Daniella went so he could follow her but she was no where in site.

“We are so screwed,” he mumbled to himself before pulling out his phone and calling his PR manager to give a heads up.

“Come back here Esteban,” Daniella yelled as she ran after her friend.


A/N: How long do you think it will take before everyone finds out about their relationship?

How do you think other drivers are going to react?

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