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“Where were you last night?” Lando asked as soon as Daniella opened the door and he walked in.

“Relax,” she said calmly. “I was just out with a friend.”

“A friend?” Lando scoffed before his eyes land on the bouquet of roses. “A friend gave you that? You know I was worried sick, you were not answering my calls or text.”

“My phone was on silent,” she explained, continuing to pack her bags as she was doing before Lando arrived. “And I was safe Lando, Myra knew where I was and who I was with. You had nothing to worry about.”

“Who were you with?” he asked. “Because I asked everyone about you and they did see you or knew anything.”

Daniella zipped the suitcase and turned towards Lando who was angry. “I was with Pierre.”

“Pierre?” he frowned. “So you were out on a date with Pierre having a good time and here I was looking everywhere for you.”

“What is your problem?” Daniella snapped, getting annoyed by his attitude. “Why you are acting like this?”

“I was worried about you,” he argued. “You couldn’t have just called and let me know where you were?”

“My phone was on silent mode,” she repeated. “And it would have been rude to…”

“Rude to what? Would have been rude to call me while you were with Pierre?”

“Yes.” She replied. “And why are you acting like a jerk? You have never acted like this before.”

“You didn’t even tell you me you were going out with him,” he said completely ignoring what she just said.

“I don’t need to tell you everything,” she said in low tone.

Lando just scoffed and turned around before walking out.

“Lando?” Daniella called out his name and followed him but he already got in the elevator.


Everyone around Daniella could see the she is not in a good mood. She was fine during breakfast but after that her mood turned sour, and she almost snapped at a couple of people.

She sat at the airport waiting to board her flight. Multiple thoughts racing through her minds. She tried to call Lando but he didn’t pick up. She even tried to talk to him when they both ran into each other, but he just ignored her and went to seat with his team. At this point she is just frustrated and just wants to go and yell at him.

“Okay, what is going on with you?” Nate sat beside her. He has been noticing her unusual mood since they left the hotel.

Daniella just shook her head, not wanting to talk to Nate or even accidentally snapping at him.


“Lando,” she muttered. “He is being a jerk.”

“What did he do?”

Daniella reluctantly explained the entire situation and she had Nate’s undecided attention the whole time. Tears threating to roll down her face as she finished explaining.

“What an idiot,” Nate commented. “You want me to go talk to him?”

“No,” she shook her head as she wiped her tears. “He is just going to be a jerk to you as well and I don’t want that.”

Nate spent the next few minutes trying to cheer her up till they were called to board the flight.

"At least your date was good, right?"

"It was great."


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