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Daniella groaned as she opened her eyes. The constant knocking on her door woke her up after she only had an hour sleep.

“I am gonna kill whoever is outside,” she sat up, forgetting the pain in her shoulder. The pain has subsided a little, thanks to the pain killers but it still hurts.

She got out of the bed, rubbing her shoulder as she walked towards the door.

She already know who is standing outside from the pattern of the knock.

Taking a deep breath she opened the door.

Lando almost knocked on Daniella’s face.

“I am sorry,” he looked guilty.

Daniella's face was expressionless.

Lando's eyes fell on the shoulder she is holding and immediately wanted to hug and comfort her.

She took a step back, making way for him to step inside.

“Come in,” she opened the door wide and he stepped inside. “I don’t want to talk right now,” she closed the door.

“Elli…” Lando looked at her. “I had no idea…”

“I know,” she nodded, still no expression on her face.

Lando is unable to figure out whether she is mad at him, or sad or both. He has rarely seen her like this.

“We both had a bad day,” she said, turning her attention away from him. “Let’s rest now, we can talk in the morning.”

“El..” he took a step towards her but looked down when he realized he stepped on something, the splint. He picked it up. “You shouldn’t have taken it off.”

“It was uncomfortable,” she shrugged and went back to bed.

Lando understood Daniella is in no mood to have a talk. She always act like this when she knows she might say something that she will definitely regret later. So he decided it will be best to talk in the morning just like she said.

Daniella pretended to sleep as Lando washed up before getting into the bed.

He looked at Daniella who had her back turned towards him.

He lost his win, he is not going to lose his girlfriend too.

Daniella wiped away a silent tear from her face as Lando switched off the light.


Daniella was the first one to wake up the next morning. The first sight she saw is Lando sleep peacefully, looking all innocent and his wrapped around her.

A small smile appeared on her face as she gently touched his curls and cheek.

What happened the previous day came flashing into her mind. How Lando didn’t get his first win, how she didn’t finish the race and got hurt. How they didn’t talk.

A part of her wanted to get out of the bed and leave the room, to get some space and clear her mind. But she knows it will do no good for either of them.

Lando lazily opened his eyes, he smiled when he saw Daniella is still there.

“I am an idiot,” the first thing he said as he hold her hand. “I should have opened the door El…you were hurt and was outside the room waiting for me and I didn’t…”

“You were upset Lando,” Daniella softly said as she rubbed his had with her thumb. “I would have reacted the same way.”

“No you wouldn’t,” he shook his head. “You would have wanted me by your side… I should have been by your side yesterday at the hospital.”

“Yesterday was an unfortunate day for both of us,” she took a deep breath. “And this kind of things happen sometimes, what is important is we don’t push each other away during tough times.”

“You are right,” he gave a sad smile. “I was on my way to you but then I saw you with Pierre and I just…”

“I know,” she put her hand gently on his cheek. “He was just checking if I was okay…but I think I snapped at him.”

Lando chuckled.

“Yesterday was a bad day, let’s just try to move past it.”


A/N: Is the drama over or something more dramatic is going to happen?

Also Daniella needs a grid dad, any suggestion?

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