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"P2 Dani, P2 that's a podium."

"YEAH!!!" Daniella Michaels cheered when she heard Nate, her race engineer. She just scored

her second podium in her F1 career and this is only her fourth race. "The car was great today. Thanks everyone and thanks Nate

"Amazing race Dani," Christian Horner said through the radio. "Max is P3 and Lewis is P1. Both

of you did amazing today. See you two on the podium."

"Thanks Christian."

Daniella could not wipe the grin from her face as she parked her car and jumped out of it. Max who was already there ran to her and gave her a hug before both going over to their teams.

The feeling was amazing.

After the short celebration with her team she took off her helmet and let her hair lose. She smile and waved at the audience before Lewis came and congratulate her. There was a time where she used to be in the audience and cheer for Lewis and now she is going to share a podium with him.

After the podium celebration and getting soaked in champagne she made her way to the post race interview. She was tired and would rather go to her hotel room and sleep but interviews are part of the job.

"We have Daniella here with us," Will Buxton said as the brit driver stood in front of the mic.

"P2. How are you feeling right now?"

"I am feeling great Will," the driver replied. "The car was great today and everyone back in the garage did an amazing job."

"You qualified P6 yesterday and today you managed to score a podium, talk us through it."

"Yesterday was tough and I had a bit of a bad start" Daniella adjusted her mask before she continued. "But we went through the statistics and all the aspects where I could improve, obviously the race wasn't easy today, I lost position and was stuck behind Lando for a while but we managed to pull through and..

"Speaking of Lando," Will announced as Daniella felt someone pat her back..

She turned around and gave Lando a quick hug. "Great drive Ella," he smiled as he messed her hair before walking away.

"Ughh this guy." Daniella smiled as she straightens her hair with her fingers. "So as I was saying

we managed to pull through and yeah...." she concluded.

"Thanks Daniella, Good luck for your next race.


After a celebration with the entire team Daniella decided to call it a night and go to her hotel room to get some much needed sleep before her flight back to UK the next day. She has a few days off before the Monaco and wants to just relax and hang out with friends and family.

She entered the elevator and pressed the button to her floor, just as the door was about to close a hand stopped it.

"Hey," Pierre Gasly smiled as he stepped inside the elevator. "Someone looks happy and tired," he joked.

"Is it that obvious?" the brit chuckled as she leaned on the corner of the elevator.

Pierre nodded and leaned on the opposite corner. "So are you joining us tomorrow?"

Some of the drivers are planning for a small night out the next night. Alex Albon already her asked and pleaded her to join but her declined.

She shook her head. "I am going back home tomorrow morning."

"Oh okay," he said, sounding disappointed. "Maybe next time then."


After reaching her room Daniella took a shower before calling her family which ended up being an hour long call. She then decided to post a couple of photos on instagram which were sent to her by Myra, her PR manager. She decided to post more than couple of photos. First one was a photo of her on the podium. Second one was her with the entire team and wrote a long caption thanking everyone. And third one was with Max, both smiling and holding up their trophies. Followed by a few more candid photos in her stories

She liked a few photos on instagram including few fan posts and a photo Lando posted which was taken earlier where he was messing her hair. After about another 30 minutes of social media surfing she decided to put down her phone, switch off the lights and sleep.


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