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The fourteen hour flight felt like a fourteen day never ending journey for Daniella. She thought she was going to sleep the entire time but only managed to get a good two hour sleep but getting woken up by Yuki who accidentally played his music without headphones.

“Sorry,” Yuki apologized but he was also sleepy so he didn’t care much.

Daniella got up and went to sit in an empty seat away from everyone. A sigh left her lips as she rested her head back and looked at the night sky outside.

“Looks like you have a new enemy,” Pierre said as he came over and took the seat in front of her.

“What do you mean?” Daniella lazily looked at him. He also looked tired.

Pierre showed her his phone and played the already loaded video.

Daniella only watched a few seconds where George was bashing her and blaming her of taking the Mercedes seat away from him.

“Great,” she sarcastically said as he gave him back his phone. “Feel free to join him.”

“I would never do that,” Pierre replied honestly as he rested back his head.

Daniella gave a small smile which Pierre happily returned. This is the first time in days she has looked at him properly.

“How are you?” she asked.

Pierre’s smiled faded a little as he let out a deep breath.

“That answers my question.”

“Look at you,” Pierre chuckled. “Able to figure out how I am just by looking at me.”

“Well, I have always been able to read your face,” Daniella replied. “Christian giving you a hard time?”

“Yeah,” Pierre huffed. “He told me…actually he ordered me to not race against you or Max.”

Daniella felt bad for the Alpha Tauri driver.

“Also the person I love is in love with someone else so that also hurts a lot,” Pierre partially joked.

“Maybe you should move on and find someone better,” Daniella matched his joking tone.

“Nah,” he shook his head. “I don’t think there is anyone better.”

Daniella’s faint smile vanished.

“Give it up already,” Max snapped from his seat.

Pierre slightly smirked as Daniella tried to avoid eye contact with him.


The couple was not looking forward to media day as Daniella was paired with George and Lando was paired with Pierre. There was a tense environment in both the interviews and everyone in the room could feel it.

“This question is for Pierre, what are your thoughts about Daniella breaking her contract with Red Bull and going to Mercedes?”

“Well I think she is doing what she felt is best for her,” Pierre replied before giving a quick side glare to Lando. “And she is a phenomenal driver and deserves the best.”

“And have you talked to her about it because we all know you want that Red Bull seat back?”

Pierre nodded as he smiled under his mask.

Lando frowned because as far as he know Daniella hasn’t talked to Pierre after she found out about the whole dating plan.

“We had a good discussion about it during our flight,” Pierre replied. “I believe it was a good two hours before she fell asleep in the middle of a sentence.”

Lando's jaw clenched and fists were closed tight. He could feel the jealousy rising inside him. Obviously there is nothing to worry about he can’t help it.

“So you disturbed her when she was trying to sleep?” Lando questioned Pierre. He formed it as a joke but Pierre knows better.

“No, actually we both disturbed Max' sleep with our talk,” Pierre let out a laugh. “He was not happy to hear us talk and laugh while he was having a good nap.”

Pierre smirked under his mask as Lando didn’t say anything else and was kind of grumpy for the rest of the interview.


“I don’t think Mercedes would have offered me the contract if they didn’t think I was worth it,” George replied to the question he was asked by a reporter. “But Dani here made a sneaky move and signed the contract before I could.”

Daniella rolled her eyes as George once again mentioned that she took away his opportunity. This is the third time he mentioned that during the current interview and she is getting annoyed by it.

“And Dani what do you have to say about it?”

“Toto went with what is best for the team so I don’t think there is much to say,” she replied with an uninterested tone but George can clearly catch the hint of anger.

“Can you tell us why you decided to break your contract with Red Bull which you singed this year and decided to move to it’s rival team?”

George paid attention to this one as he also wants to know the honest answer but he knows Daniella won’t say it.

“I just did some thinking and thought Mercedes was the better option for me and my career,” she replied.

“But you are doing just fine in Red Bull and a perfect competition to Lewis Hamilton.”

“But I feel like I will perform better in Mercedes,” she gave a quick glare to George, who was already looking at her. “And we all know everything ultimately comes down to performance.”

“And money,” George quickly added.

“Some people value our passion and performance more than money,” Daniella quickly replied. “Money is just the bonus.”


“Do you know anyone who will be willing to kidnap George and make him vanish?” Daniella asked her boyfriend as she jumped on the bed and lied down.

“Sadly no,” Lando joined her and both just looked at the ceiling. “Do you know someone who can do the same to Pierre?”

“Maybe Daniel and Max,” Daniella chuckled. “But I think you will have to ask them nicely.”

Lando let out a laugh as he turned to look at her.

“Today was not a good day,” Daniella sighed as she also turned to look at her boyfriend.

“Come here,” Lando gently pulled her closer and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

Daniella smiled, feeling like he took away half of her exhaustion.

“Can I ask you something?” Lando asked softly as one of his hand rested on her cheek.

“Mmhm,” she nodded.

“If you have to choose between me and anymore else in the world then who would you…”

“You,” Daniella replied in a split second. “I will always choose you.”

“So you would say I am your best option?” Daniella gave a cheeky grin.

“I would say you are the one and only for me.”


A/N: Thoughts on Pierre, George, Lando and Dani?

Do you think George will cool down if he finds out why Dani moved to Mercedes?

Do you think Lando is the best for Dani? Or...?

Will anyone be interested in a George x Dani story? It will be an alternate version and won't effect the current book.

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