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Daniella rested her head on the table as Nate went on and on about some new details, her eyes barely opened.

“Hey,” Nate clapped his fingers infront of Daniella’s sleepy face. “Wake up.”

She immediately sat straight up and rubbed her sleepy eyes. “Sorry.”

“Didn’t you sleep last night?” Nate asked, slightly annoyed.

“No,” she shook her head.

“Are you still thinking about the last race?” Nate asked, his voice soften and full of concern. “That was just one incident Dani, you should not let it effect your sleep.”

“It is not the race. Honestly I almost forgot about the race.”

“Then what is going on?”

“I just can’t stop thinking about someone,” she muttered shyly.

Nate narrowed his eyes, waiting for more information.

“Lets just forget about it and focus on the next race,” she changed the subject. “What you were saying before I fell asleep?”


Daniella was nervous. Pierre texted her, asking her to meet him. He just mentioned that he has to discuss something important with her. She too wanted to have a talk with him but unsure how it will end.

The decided to meet at the track, it was morning and there won’t be any interruptions. Pierre was already there when Daniella arrived.

They exchanged a quick hug before slowly walking down the track, at first making small talks.

“So has any team shown any interest in wanting you as their driver for next year?”

Daniella looked at Pierre with her narrowed eyes, already not liking where this topic is going. “What are you trying to say?”

“I mean you have done very well so far and a lot of drivers’ contracts are ending this year,” Pierre explained. “Surely other teams are interested in you.”

“Huh!” she huffed as they both slowly continue to walk on the race track. “Nope, not yet. What about you? Your contract is ending too.”

She knows how badly Pierre wants his RedBull seat back, and there is no way she is willing to give the seat to him. She is already on the process to renew her contract, but she is not going to disclose that to anyone as it is not finalized yet.

“Well,” he cleared his throat and looked at her with a serious expression. “I want to drive for RedBull again.”

Daniella nodded, looking down.

“I have a meeting with them next week to discuss.”

“Okay,” she looked at Pierre. “But you should know I am not giving up my seat so easily.”

“I know but I deserve the seat Dani.”

She didn’t say anything and continued walking, Pierre only a step behind her.

“And…I like you very much but I don’t think I can continue dating you and fight for my way back to RedBull at the same time.”

Daniella stopped and turned back. She gave a soft smile. “You are making this easier for me.”

Pierre gave a confused look.

“I have thought about it a lot, and I also think we should stop dating and…we should focus more on our races,” she explained. “Don’t get me wrong, I like you but right now racing is my priority and after what happened last week I realized I can’t afford to be distracted with anything else.”

Pierre nodded, feeling a little hurt by her confession but he understands her point of view completely. After all he is also putting his career and ambition before her.

“Try to secure a seat in another team, because next year you won’t be driving for RedBull.”


Daniella is extra determine to score another podium, to prove that she deserves the RedBull seat more. But starting the race P8 doesn’t guarantee a podium. She has to give her all and more.

The first 12 laps went terrible for her as she dropped down to P13 due to a minor mistake at the start of the race. But she is not someone who gives up easily. Soon she managed to gain position but by het bad luck she got stuck behind Pierre who is not letting her pass.

After having a good battle with the AlphaTauri she finally managed to move past and forward. From then on it was like she was flying.

“Okay Dani you are now P3,” Nate informed. “That’s Norris infront of you.”


With only little struggle Daniella managed to overtake her best friend. She gave a quick wave to him as she drove by.

The last 3 laps she maintained her position and earned herself a podium as she finished the race.

“P2 Dani,” Nate cheered. “Good job.”

“Yes!! Great job guys.”

As soon as she parked the car and got out she ran to Lando, both pulling each other for a hug.

“We finally get to share a podium.” Daniella said happily.

“Well done guys,” Max interrupted, happy to win another race.

Daniella and Lando let go of eachother and congratulate Max.

This podium celebration was by far the most special one for both Daniella and Lando. Everyone could see how the two best friends enjoyed the most despite coming second and third. After being completely soaked with champagne they shared one last hug on the podium before making there way down.


A/N: A part of me wants Dani to end up with Pierre

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