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"Are you and Max not talking?" Daniel asked as he met Daniella right outside the media room. Max and Valtteri just finished their interview and when Max came out he and Daniella just didn't acknowledge each other.

"No..I don't know," she replied. "We just had a disagreement and..yeah we are not talking."

"Is it about what happened in the last race?"

"He told you?"

"He tells me everything," Daniel replied smugly. "Even things I don't want to know."

"Well, then can you tell him I am still pretty mad but I want to want my friend back?" Daniella requested. "It's our last weekend as teammates I don't want to ruin it by fighting."

Both the Red Bull drivers have grown fond of each other, Max more than he would like. But both are stubborn and do not want to be the first one to extend the olive branch.

"Sure," Daniel smiled.

"Let's go," Lewis walked in, looking energetic as ever. "Last media day of the season, you must be very relieved Dani."

"You have no idea," she let out a laugh.

"I will talk to Max," Daniel smiled and gave Daniella a hug before leaving.

Daniella and Lewis then walked in and took their seat, ready to answer questions.


"They really do love to ask stupid questions and create drama, don't they?" Daniella asked said as she and Lewis finished their interviews and walked out.

"They are getting an exciting season and a finale, of course, they want to take advantage of it as much as they can," Lewis replied.

"Yeah I know, but these rivalry questions, boyfriend questions are getting really annoying," Daniella complained. She never liked talking about her personal life in front of the camera and always tried her best to answer as vague as she can.

"You will be here these questions for the rest of your life," Lewis laughed. "Speaking of boyfriend...," he pointed in the direction where Lando is.

"I will see you later," Daniella gave him a quick hug and walked towards Lando.

Lando smiled brightly when he saw Daniella walking towards him.

"Dani, Lando said he will try to break test me on Sunday to get ahead," Charles who was with Lando complained.

"I was just joking mate," Lando replied.

"Didn't seem like you were joking," Charles argued.

"Please don't break test anyone," Daniella said looking at Lando.

"It seems like you don't trust me at all," Lando pretended to be offended. "She doesn't trust me at all mate," he looked at Charles.

"For good reasons mate," Charles patted his back.

"I am surrounded by children."


"Daniel said you wanted to talk," Max said as he approached Daniella, looking somewhat grumpy.

"Yeah.." she gave a smile. "I don't want to fight Max. It's our last week as teammates and I don't want to remember it like this."

"Well you should have thought about this before you yelled at me after I tried to help you," he rolled his eyes.

Daniella sighed as she shook her head. Talking to a stubborn angry Max is like talking to an unreasonable wall.

"I know you tried to help me but it was not the right way," he tried to explain. "Would you have liked it if someone tried to take your win like that? Do you think it's fair?"

"No, it's not fair," he looked at her. "But what is also not fair is Mercedes winning everything, while me and Red Bull will be left with nothing. I mean either way they will have the champion of this year and you in their team."

Daniella closed her eyes in frustration and took a deep breath.

"Max! please..." she looked venerable which soften his expression. "I will still be your friend after I leave Red Bull, we will still see each other at every race week just like this year. It's just that..."

"You will be driving against me, you will be driving for our rival," he almost looked heartbroken.

"Max.." Daniella looked down, not knowing what to say anymore that will convince him otherwise.

Max stood there silent for a few seconds, almost wanting to say what is actually in his heart and mind but he knows he will only end up hurting himself and Daniella will feel even worse.

"I am sorry.." he mumbled.

"What?" she looked up, slightly shocked. Max almost never apologized.

"I am sorry," he repeated. "I was only thinking about helping you and I didn't care if it was the right or wrong way. And...I guess I am sad that you are leaving me..leaving the team and I..I am not good at handling this sort of thing okay."

"I know," Daniella wrapped her hands around him, Max immediately hugged her back. "But please don't pull any stunt this week, please."

"I won't."

"And no matter what team I am in, I will always be your friend Max...," she broke the hug and smiled.

Max nodded and smiled back.


As soon as Daniella entered the McLaren hospitality Daniel excitedly jumped in front of her.

"So? How did it go with Max?" he asked.

"It went well I think," she replied. "We talked and made up..but it feels like he is not telling me something."

"What do you mean?" he looked confused.

"Like he is hiding something from me? Did he tell you anything?" she asked Daniel. "If he did please tell me he is not planning to pull another stunt this Sunday."

"No..no," he almost choked. "He didn't tell me anything..he never tells me anything."

Daniella narrowed her eyes and looked at Daniel, now it seem to her that Daniel is also hiding something from her.

"Hey, ready to go?" Lando joined and wrapped his arm around Daniella.

"Yeah," she smiled and pecked his lips.

Lando smiled and kissed her again.

"Aww you two," Daniel gushed. "Where are you two going?"

"Nowhere!" both replied together, not wanting to tell him where actually they are going as there is a good chance he would invite himself and everyone around them.

"Oh I get it," Daniel winked. "Have fun you two."

"No that's not..."

"Let's go before he decides to follow us."


A/N: What do think Max is hiding from Daniella?

I am not sure if I will be able to watch the last race without taking any anxiety meds.

Both Lewis and Max has even points, who do you think will win the championship?

I want to start another story after this one ends, maybe a Pierre or Valtteri story or maybe someone else.

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