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“Good luck today,” Daniella said to Lewis who received a penalty and instead of starting from pole he is going to start last for the sprint race, giving her the opportunity to move up to pole.

“Thanks,” Lewis smiled. “I will do my best to not let you win,” he joked.

“I know you will,” she chuckled before saying goodbye and making her was to the Red Bull garage.

Christian was in a happy mood as the seven time world champion received the penalty and one of his driver is starting from pole. But Daniella is sure that if he finds out that she signed the Mercedes contract this morning his mood will turn sour in a second.

“You look happy today,” Max told her as he joined her in the garage. “What is the reason?”

“Ummm…its Lando's birthday today,” she replied, telling him only half of the reason.

“Mmhmm,” he narrowed his eyes, looking at her suspiciously.


“Dani, Valtteri is now leading instead of you,” the team principal informed her, not liking the fact that a Mercedes might win and another one is climbing up the grid fast to reach top five.

“Yeah, I can see that,” she replied. “I don’t think we have the pace today.”

She was leading for a while but after some laps she could see the Mercedes is faster this time. Her teammate also informed the same thing, confirming Daniella’s words.

Even though she tried her best she didn’t manage to get the lead back and instead finished P2, with Valtteri finishing P1 and Carlos P3.

“I did my best,” she informed her team as she passed the checkerd flag.

“We know Dani,” Nate replied this time instead of Christian. “Max finished P4, just behind Carlos.”

“What about Lewis?” she asked, curious if he managed to gain some good position.

“He finished P5,” Nate replied, sounding impressed.

“Wow,” Daniella let out a laugh, impressed by his performance. Even though she can’t see Christian’s face she can bet that he is sitting in a corner and sulking at the moment.

Daniella got out of her car and waved at the crowd before congratulating Valtteri and Carlos. She then quickly went over to Lewis who is still sitting in his car but is about to step out.

“Amazing drive today Sir Hamilton,” she bent over and shook his hand.

“Thanks,” he chuckled. “I did my best.”


“You should keep wearing the wreath,”  Lando laughed.

“That wreath is almost as big as me,” Daniella said as she sat in the McLaren driver’s room.

“Yeah, it looks like its eating you,” he joked as he showed her a photo of her on the podium today.

“Oh God! I can already see this becoming a meme,” Daniella groaned before handing him the phone back.

Lando chuckled as he tossed aside the phone before taking out the bracelet that Daniella gave him. He took it off before the race a securely put it in his bag.

“Who gave that to you?” Daniella smiled as he put it on.

“Oh this?” He pointed at the silver. “Its from a girl who loves me very much,” he smiled before giving her a kiss.

“Oh really?” Daniella played along as her thumb played with the bracelet. “It seems like you are a very lucky guy.”

“I really am,” he smiled. “She also wrote me a note. At first I thought about throwing it away but I know how hard it was for her to express her feelings so…’ he went and pulled out the note from his wallet. “So I thought about keeping it with me all the time.”

Daniella smiled as she got up and pulled him closer.

“I love you very much,” Lando pressed his lips on hers.

“I know,” Daniella sassed, earning s chuckle from her boyfriend.

After a while both left the McLaren centre to go back to the hotel and rest before the race tomorrow.

“Wait, I think I forgot my phone,” Daniella searched her pockets.

“I got it,” Lando showed her phone in his hands.

“And this is why you are the perfect boyfriend,” Daniella smiled as she took her phone back.

Few feet away Pierre and Charles were walking behind them, also on their way to leave.

“Yeah I think they are dating,” Charles said after analysing the couple in front of him.

“Oh really? What was your first clue?” Pierre asked sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.

“That,” Charles pointed at Lando's arm around Daniella’s shoulder. “Also the fact that they seem different when they are together…more happy…”

Charles went on and on, but failing to catch a hint that his friend don’t want to hear about the couple.


“Yes buddy?”

“You can shut up now.”


A/N: Thoughts on this chapter?

Three more races to go, after that this book will end.

This championship battle between Max and Lewis is giving me anxiety. I can't wait for the season to be over, but I also don't know what I will do till the next one starts.

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